home sweet home - fluff ✓

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fluff - Ghost coming home after a long mission.
gender neutral


Ghost had been gone for two months, he was off in the middle east. Ghost was usually gone for long periods of time, it was routine for you now. You would sit, and you would wait, and do your best not to lose your mind without him.
He never liked leaving you alone but it was his job, you're his entire world and he couldn't help but be protective. He had installed countless alarms on your shared home, complete with many security cameras. Whenever he wasn't in active combat he would check them, it was one of the only things that kept his mind at ease. That and the fact you stayed home the whole time.
You used to have a job early in the relationship, but eventually quit. Ghost made enough money so you didn't need to work, but you still wanted to contribute. It backfired when one of his enemies tracked you down to your work place, ever since he didn't let you work and preferred if you didn't leave the house unless necessary.
It seems controlling but it's understandable with his line of work. Countless people were after him and wouldn't hesitate to go through you to get to him.
So, now you spend most of your days tending the house and doing whatever you could to keep yourself busy. You had picked up many new hobbies and watched almost every movie there was. Which is what you were doing now;
watching a movie.
It was late, around eleven o'clock at night. Ghost was supposed to be here sometime this week, but you weren't sure. He couldn't always text you with updates but he tried his best. He had messaged you that morning saying he'd be home soon, but he was yet to appear.
Your house was quiet and the only light was the tv, currently playing an old 80's movie. The tv had a low hum, you had turned it down to better listen if a car pulled up outside.
You were curled up on your couch, a warm blanket was wrapped around you with your head rested on the arm of your seat. You had been waiting all night, unable to contain your excitement over the possibility of Ghost coming home.
Your eyelids had been struggling to stay open for a long time now but you fought against it. You wanted to stay up until Ghost arrived, but sleep was getting the best of you. You're eyes had fluttered closed and you were unable to re open them, sleep quickly consumed you.
You were fast asleep when your front door opened. It was now one in the morning, the tv was still on, leaving a csi show as background noise.
Ghost was let free only hours earlier, driving far to make it to your secluded house.

"Love?" Ghosts voice echoed.

He closed the front door and slowly stepped into the living room. He saw you, curled up and fast asleep on the couch in front of him.
He smiled, he was filled with happiness the minute he saw you. He absolutely loved coming home, he never had that opportunity before. He never had anyone or anything to come home to, now he had you and he wouldn't trade it for the world.
Ghost took off his mask, peeling his balaclava over his head and leaving it on the coffee table. He then took off the body armor he was wearing, he had left his guns by the front door when he got in.
Approaching your unconscious figure, Ghost knelt down and brushed your hair out of your face. He tucked a strand behind your ear, admiring your beauty. He was in love with every aspect of you, he could stare at your for days. He already does half of the time.
Your eyes opened from his touch, smiling when you saw his face. He was handsome, you always thought he was the best looking person in the world. Your world.

"Your home." You whispered, putting one of your hands over his.

"I'm here, my love." Ghost gave you a long kiss.

You savored the taste of lips, never wanting to let go. You trailed a hand along his jawline, feeling his stubble. It was long and thicker near his chin, it was evident he hadn't shaved while on his mission.
Ghost leaned into your touch. He always melted when around you. You just brought out his soft side, the warm and delicate parts of him he couldn't show anyone else.

"Let's get you to bed." Ghost cooed, slowly picking up your blanket wrapped body.

He was careful to hold you tight as he walked you to your bedroom. He pushed open the door with his feet and walked to you bed, putting you down carefully.
Ghost fixed the blanket around your body and pulled the one on your bed around you. The house was chilly and he couldn't have you getting sick.

"Lay with me.." You said.

You reached an arm out to cling to his shirt. Ghost laughed and kicked off his shoes, leaving them on the floor by your bed before climbing in next to you. He didn't care about changing out his jeans or work shirt, all he cared about was being with you. He didn't want to waste what time he had with you before he had to leave again.
Ghost brought the blankets on the bed over him and he came up close to you. You pressed your body to is, as close as you could get. He wrapped his arms around as you buried your head into chest. You breathed in his scent. It had a hint of leftover gun powder. You were sure he hadn't showered, but you'd worry about it tomorrow. You'd most likely end up joining him.

"I missed you." You spoke into his chest.

"I missed you more."


So like heyy, making imagines now. a lot easier to write these and my writing isn't as shitty tehe

i'll do gender neutral and fem imagines, lmk for masc ones + suggestions

Simon 'Ghost' Riley OneshotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant