Bumps and Bruises

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"Jisoo?" Naeun began as she held the soldier's hand on their walk home from school. 

"What's up, little one?"

"Do you know what tomorrow is?"

The raven furrowed her brows in thought. "Um, Friday?"

Naeun nodded. "Yeah, but do you know what tomorrow night is?" Jisoo started to laugh. "Of course, I do! It's Friday night!"

The little girl pushed Jisoo playfully as she giggled. "No! Jisoo, I'm being cereal!"

"Oooh! What kind of cereal? I like Choko Crunch."


Jisoo chuckled. "I think you meant to say you were being serious, Naeunnie."

"Oh," she replied slightly confused. "Okay, so do you know, or are you just being a butt?" 

"Hey! I'm not a butt!"


"I swear, I have no idea what you're talking about," Jisoo finally explained as she held the cafe door open for her.

Naeun walked in and took a seat at the counter as usual; pulling her backpack off and sitting it on the floor next to her. The soldier took the seat next to her and waved at Jennie, who was rushing around the establishment.

The little girl continued the conversation. "It's Open House tomorrow night."

"Oh yeah! I think Mom mentioned that the other day," the raven said in realization. "You're both going, right?"

Jisoo's eyes widened. She spun to stare down at the girl, whose big brown eyes stared back with hope. "Wait- You want me to go too?"

Naeun tilted her head slightly. "You take care of me."

The soldier was at a loss for words. "I- I'm- Really?" Her voice squeaked.

"Uncle Hanbin keeps saying you're gonna be my mom soon. Moms go to Open House," she explained simply.

The raven was taken aback. This wasn't a decision she was ready to make alone. She looked around the cafe and noticed Jennie still racing around. Of course, there had to be more customers than usual.

The soldier's brown eyes landed back on Naeun's hopeful ones. "That wouldn't bother you?" she asked hesitantly. "If I... married your mom?"

Naeun immediately grinned. "Do you wanna marry my mom?"

For some reason, Jisoo's cheeks began to turn red. "Well, I mean, is it that much of a surprise?" Naeun giggled. "No. It's just funny when you get embarrassed."

The soldier glared. She was just like her mother; always teasing. "You're evil."

The little girl grinned even more. "Mommy called me that yesterday. She said I'm getting it from you."

Jisoo scoffed despite the smile taking over her face. "Your mom is rude." "Yeah, but we love her," she answered with a giggled.

The raven sighed. "We sure do."

"So you're gonna go tomorrow? Please?"

Jennie came strolling up behind the counter. "Go where?" she asked innocently. "Uh," Jisoo began with wide eyes.

"You and Jisoo are going to my Open House tomorrow, right?" Naeun answered sweetly.

The brunette's reaction reflected Jisoo's. Her eyes stared intently at her daughter before looking at her girlfriend. Seeing Jisoo's anxious expression, she felt herself relax. She began to smirk. "Well, what did Jisoo say?"

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