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Jennie had been watching the raven in the corner all morning and afternoon. Naeun sat with her until Hanbin's shift ended. He took her to see her grandmother, which would lead to Naeun coming home in a completely different outfit because according to Chaerin, Jennie doesn't dress her daughter elegantly enough. The brunette rolled her eyes at the thought. The six year old liked wearing cat apparel. Who was Jennie to deny her daughter that? The dresses and frills all came from grandma. Naeun occasionally liked the outfits her grandmother would dress her up in, but sometimes she returned to the cafe standing like a Barbie doll; all stiff and straight and all kinds of uncomfortable.

But Jisoo was still sitting in that corner after all the hustle and bustle calmed down. She sat with a notebook and pencil, lost in her own world. Then at one point, Jisoo had gotten up and grabbed a book from the other side of the building. It was about four o'clock now and the cafe was empty, aside from the soldier. Jennie didn't get it. Why was she still there? She was surprised Jennie didn't jump up and run when the big reveal happened. Jennie almost yelled surprise when Naeun called her 'mommy' in front of Jisoo. The look on the blonde's face was too priceless. But Jisoo was still sitting there as if waiting for something.

Chaeyoung had come out from the kitchen to sit with Jisoo for awhile and catch up. They had hugged immediately when they saw each other. Jennie was shamefully envious. Her relationship with Jisoo wasn't carefree. It wasn't simple and happy-go-lucky. A hug was too intimate for them. And Jennie knew if she hugged Jisoo, she would never let go. So it was best to keep a few feet between them at all times.

The shop owner was doing anything she could think of to stay busy. Talking to Jisoo meant having to catch her up on Naeun, because of course, she's Kim Jisoo; she's going to ask almost immediately. And answering that would get her into taboo topics. So she hoped to avoid her by doing mundane tasks until the raven left. She actually dusted the bookshelves. She remembers doing that maybe once before? Chae usually does it; Jennie knowing the blonde gets off on it. But even after dusting, Jisoo never left.

So finally, after taking a long, deep breath, Jennie made her way over to the occupied table. She crossed her arms over her chest as her eyes roamed over the book cover. "Out of all the books, you had to choose the trashy romance novel?"

Jisoo looked up from the paperback. "It's weirdly entertaining," Jisoo admitted with a chuckle. "But I'm more curious as to how you ended up getting it," she said as she waved the book in the air. "I didn't think this was your type," she teased. The soldier remembered Jennie's reading habits. She basically brought a book everywhere she went, and never once did she see one of those scandalous, obnoxious book covers held in the brunette's hands.

"And what exactly is my type?" she asked with an arched brow and mischievous smirk.

"The boring philosophical type."

"Okay, implying that Nietzsche is anything but genius is breaking the number one rule of this cafe."

"Not 'No shirt. No shoes. No Service'?"

Carmilla's smirk stayed strong. "Who am I to deny gorgeous topless women service?" "Who said anything about gorgeous topless women?"

"Oh... Were you not aware that in order to read a book here, you're supposed take your shirt off?" Jisoo let out a laugh. "I wasn't aware Hooters sponsored bookstores now."

Jennie brought her index finger up to her lips. "Shh! Don't give them any ideas! I'm copyrighting this right now."

Jisoo shook her head with a chuckle. "So what made you order this smutty beach book?"

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