"Aunt Camila, that's really nice of you, but..." Jenna starts, trying to make an excuse on why they can't do that.

"I won't take no for an answer!" her aunt laughs, putting a hand on Jenna's shoulder. "You college students deserve the relaxation. Plus, the kids didn't get in until past four last night, so they won't be up for another half day, I'm sure. You won't miss anything! I've already called the receptionist and told her I wanted to hear from all the workers on how you two lovebirds liked it after you're done!"

"Oh, okay. Yeah," Jenna nods, forcing a smile. What real couple wouldn't want a spa day? "We'll...take you up on that, then."

"Great! I already called the car in, so it should be here any second to come and pick you up. Feel free to buy any products you want-it's on me!" Camila tells them, leading them down the dock to the beach.

"We're both still in our pajamas, and I still have my bikini on under this, so should we...you know, change first?" Jenna asks, still trying to find a way to get out of it.

"You'll be naked most of the time anyway, so don't worry about it," her aunt laughs, and Dahlia's eyes widen. This can't be happening.

"Oh. Well we were just gonna grab some breakf-" Jenna starts, but her aunt waves her off, telling her there's plenty of amazing food there already. And then the car comes, and her aunt is ushering them in excitedly, and now they're on their way, just like that.

They're both completely silent while they sit, before Jenna asks, "how the hell did that just happen so fast?"

"She's good at persuading," Dahlia sighs, looking out the window.

A spa day actually sounds nice, but both of their energies are weird right now-especially towards each other-and she's pretty sure it's because of the cuddling thing. It was nice when they were drunk, but once they were sober and remembered that they hate each other, it felt weird and awkward. And since neither of them know how to deal with that, it transforms into anger towards each other instead. It's exhausting.

"This place is incredible," Dahlia walks in, looking at the indoor koi pond that's surrounded by flawless white walls and furniture, and a beautifully geometric and modern architecture. She already feels relaxed justlooking at it.

"Welcome to Ho'Omana Spa! My name is Alana. Names please?" the worker asks as they walk up to the counter, smiling at them.

"Jenna and Dahlia? Probably under Ortega. My aunt made us an appointment." Jenna tells her, smiling back.

"Ooh, the full couples package," Alana tells them, after checking their name in the system. "This means you can choose from any of the couples treatments on this list for three full hours. You can take some time and figure it out, or you can just let me know now if you've already thought about it."

Jenna grabs the list from her, glances over it for a second with a head tilt, before handing it back and saying, "I think we're going to do the basic face mask and pedicure combo first, then the sauna, and then we'll end it with the hour-long couples aromatherapy massage."

"Amazing choices," the woman smiles and nods, typing something in on her computer. "Our couples treatments here have incredible results. I have yet to meet a couple that hasn't reported falling even more in love with their partner!"

Dahlia fakes a smile, nodding. Jenna wraps her arms around Dahlia tightly and lays her head on her shoulder, gushing about how she's not sure she could ever like her any more than she already does. Dahlia grits her teeth, forcing herself to smile and not roll her eyes.

"Aww, I love that," Alana smiles, before leading them through a door and out of the lobby. "Through that door is where you're going to find your private room to undress and put on the robes provided. Just look around and find the one with your name assigned on the front! When you get finished, all you need to do is knock on the door on the other side of the room, and you'll be taken to get your face masks and pedicures. Is there any questions you want answered before you begin?"

"I actually think we're good, thank you," Jenna replies, looking at Dahlia.

"Yeah, thanks so much," she nods, smiling.

"Great! I hope you have a relaxing and romantic day," she tells them, before going back through the door where they came from.

"Ready for our relaxing and romantic day?" Jenna raises an eyebrow, before opening the door in front of them. Then, whispering to herself and looking for their changing room, she says, "Ortega, Ortega, Ortega...here we are."

"Can we not, like, ask for something other than the couples treatment?" Dahlia asks, walking in and seeing their matching white robes hung up on hangers in front of them.

- Hawaii lust - Jenna OrtegaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora