One ruff day

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So it's basically the Gallaghers/milkovichs group chat. Mickey gets a bit annoyed because his phone was getting notifications at 5 am. Ian and Mickey look after franny and prince

No one's pov:

Debbie gets up and gets her phone

Debs:can someone watch franny and prince please she sent at 4:59 am

Mickey wakes up to the notification "god mother fucking dam it" mick whispered he got his phone

Mickey:me and Ian will what time also pls don't text so early He sent at 5:02 am
Debs: in thirty minutes She sent at 5:03
Mickey:ok cya then He sent at 5:03

Mickey put his phone down "yo sleepy head we gotta get prince and franny" Mickey said shaking Ian " what time is it" Ian said "5 am get dress and get your meds we will get McDonalds after we pick them up I'll get Yevys stuff ok" he said kissing him on the head "alright cya outside" Ian said pulling Mickey into a kiss "thank you" mick said he likes those soft kisses sometimes

Ian's pov:

I love when me and Mickey kiss like that the way he looks at me the way his eyes sparkle in the light. "Love you" I said "love you to" he said. As I throw a shirt on I see him glaring at me not more so me more my ass. I chase him downstairs and I slap his ass. I pick him up "hey put me down put me down" Mickey screamed kicking his legs. I started to laugh  he keeps moving around "we are going to be late" he said I put him down "mick get dressed I'll get yev and I'll met you in the car" I said walking to yevgenys room I hear a cry from his room I rush in there "da da!" He yelled doing his little grabby hands "hi baby boy how did you sleep" I said picking him up he is super cute in the morning. I hear his little tummy rumbling " fwood" he said "yea buddy we are going to get McDonald's then we are getting franny and prince- I get cut off "no no no! Not cuzzy prince" yevgeny said he gave me puppy eyes "why no prince what happened between you two" I asked because 2 weeks ago the boys got along very well "cuzzy prince say you papa are fags and you are not my da da" yev said he sound like he was gonna cry and he did "don't listen to him I'm you dada and Mickey is your papa. Ok no matter what" I said rubbing his forehead and kissing it. He just clung to me he didn't speak he just hugged me. I grabbed yevgenys diaper bag and a few of his toys. I walked out to Mickey "Mickey can you take yev for a minute I'll get my meds" I said "don't worry I did it for you" mick said he kissed me and yev. "Yev why are you crying" Mickey asked yev just put his head into my chest "I'll tell you when we get in the car" I said going outside to the car.

Mickey pov:

I go outside and lock the door. I get in the driver's seat Ian put yev in his car seat and he got into the passenger seat. I started to drive "so explain why Yevy was crying" I said because I don't like it when yev is upset "prince said that I wasn't his dad and we are fags" he said sandy is lesbian how is prince know fag then it hit me terry must of taught him it that fuckin prick "terry must of taught him the word" I said I fuckin hate him I just kept driving we arrive "your meds are in a zip lock bag in the glove box" I said getting up and going to yevgenys side I get him out of his sit. He just clings to me he looked up at me he looked like he been crying since he been in the car he was still crying "Bub it's ok" I said kissing him on the forehead "can't we just lwook after franny Aunty sandy can lwook after prince" yev said I feel horrible he is just a toddler he doesn't need this in his life yet "I know Bub I know but I'll make sure doesn't say anything to you ok just stay with franny" I said I'm gonna go talk to sandy we go inside "we are here" Ian said he ran to pick up franny "UNCLE IAN UNCLE MICKEY" franny yelled she is so cute "uncle Mickey! Ian" prince said he never calls Ian uncle it makes Ian feel a lot uncomfortable "hey guys. Prince you can call Ian uncle too" sandy said "no Ian and Mickey are faggots are grandpa terry say those are bad and grandpa terry say Ian not yev dad" prince said I looked over to Ian and he looked sad yev jumped out of my arms "IAN IS MY DA DA AND DAT NOT NICE" yev yelled he kick and hit prince a lot I picked yev up and took him back to Ian "prince that's not nice!" Sandy yelled "I've told you not to listen to terry ok now say sorry to Unlce Mickey Unlce Ian and cuzzy yev ok" sandy said "sorry uncle Mickey and uncle Ian and cuzzy yev" prince said I looked over to yev who was still upset "you guys take franny prince will stay with me for today" sandy said "we can take him if you want" Ian said he so nice to people when he wants to be "no it's ok prince needs to learn that's not nice" sandy said she is such a good mom "ok we will be back later" I said "bye mama bye sandy bye prince" they all say bye

No one's  pov:

They drive to McDonald's "franny what do you want today" "pancakes and nuggets" she said grinning "how about you yev" Ian asked while going to the drive-thru window "same as franny pwease" yev answered. They get there food and eat in the car and they went to the park for the rest of the day

Hey goes Ik it's been a bit

Word count: 1064

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