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September arrived fast and I was standing with my bags in front of headmistress office.
I didn't wanted to go in because of our last conversation.But gathered the courage and knock on the door.
,,Come in" and I open the door.
She is stitting behind desk reaching for a file. She looks up and smile a little ,,Y/N, sit down"
I start to feel nervous.

,,Did you choose which element are you going to focus on during your official classes?
,,Yes, That would be water." I say as I sit down in front of her.
I take a careful look around her office. If I had one I would make it the same. The books lining the wall and the space around makes me feel peaceful.

,,I see you like my Office, that's good because there we'll continue our lessons of your other elements. You will come here every second day exept weekends. Those are free time for students.Lessons starts on monday . During lessons I'll try to help you reach your powers,but it's all up to you, If you accept my help."She looks at me as if chalenging me to opose her. Ah there it is, she didn't forget. The atmosphere got more unpleasant. I promised grandma try to be unproblematic here so I swallow all my irritation and just answer.
,, Understood,I 'll do my best."

She didn't looked convinced but accepted it anyway.
,,Good, you'll be living in dorms called Winx. You are now officialy a student of Alfea." And with that she dismisses me.
I look her in the eyes for a minute and get lost in them. Ahhhh I really shouldn't do this.
I quickly stand up to leave the room as if fire was on my feet and start to leave the room. I turn around to apologize and perhaps come to understandig with her but doors opens and a girl with firy hair is standing there, so I just pass her and my apology with that.


Finally I found the suite, I swear this place is a labyrint.I open the door and step inside.A wide area was in my view. I expected to see a simple place with a few beds and only few necessities to live but this is sometimes else. Each two girls have their own space.There is a shared bathroom, but very clean and spacious. There is a lounge area for us to sit and relax. And there stood a girl with flower pots in her hands.
She turns around and greets me with a smile on her face.
,,Hello you must me Y/N.My name is Terra." She puts down the pots and envelope me in warm hug. This girl is so sweet, I hope everyone is so welcoming because being in one space for a year with people who are unwelcoming and rude it's challenge.

,,Yes,that's me " I show her a thoothy smile. ,,By aby chance do you know which room is mine?"

,,Aaaaah well..."
Oh shit this won't be good
,,You share your room with Stella."She looked at me to see my reaction.
Not knowing who she is I just smiled.,,okey do you know when She arrives?" I asked calmly but inside a nervousness was eating me.

,,She should already be in there.Good luck.Don't worry,deep inside she is really nice. Once you get to truly know her." She grabed her pots and went out of my view.

That said I knew what's to come and opened door to my room without a second though.

,, Don't you know how to knock?!"was the first sentence from my lovely roomate. She was in middle of her changing I give her that.I quickly turned around and screamed:,,sorry my bad."

I waited a few seconds till she is done.I faced her and gave my hand for a handshake ,,Hi my name is Y/N and it seems we are roomates this year." I tried to be nice, but she just glanced at me and turned at the mirror to look at herself.

„Yes, I know who you are.Your bed is under the window. Don't touch my stuff and don't talk to me and we shall live in peace“ She finished her monologe with a sarcastic smile and didn't even looked me in the eye.
„Fair enough“ I said and minded my own bussines. At least there will be quiet and I can do my own things.
Just than the redheaded girl passes by our room, but came back when she saw me.“Didnt we saw each other at the Dowling´s office? Hi ,I am Bloom“ she gave me her hand and I accepted looking at Stella as if to show what I wanted her to do when we met.
„Yes we did and I am Y/N nice to meet you“
Her eyes went from me to Stella and she frowned and asked. „ Isn't the assemby supposed to be an casuall thing? Why are you changing your outfit?“ 
She looked at Bloom and snapped her fingers and a small ball of light appeared. ,,People already seen me in this outfit.“ She looks her up and down and said „You wouldnt understand anyway“ And snapped her fingers again and left the room.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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