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I stare at her for a moment because I couldn't believe what's going on.
What? No, not possible that this woman is the headmistress of Alfea.
Mellisa is famous for her mind control ,Yes this has to be some play to make me comply.

The woman's eyes before me still shines grey.
Damn it she is using her magic.

The color turns instantly back to hazel and she tooks a careful step back as if stepping away from an agressive animal.

,,I am here to help you " she speaks in comforting tone.,, We don't have much time but you HAVE to trust me.Even of it's just for a next few hours."

She looks at me and in her eyes I see that she speaks the truth.

,,Fine ,I' ll trust you." I say after a second of thinking ,,But just till I escape, than I expect full explanation."

,,You deserve that much.Now we have to hurry ,listen to the instructions I will tell you and everything should proceed acording the plan."
She quickly explaines but i still have no idea what's going to happen in a few upcoming hours.

,Knock knock, the Doors open again and just in time I put my hands behind my back.
,, It's time." The man I saw earlier steps into the room. Just now I realised how big he acually is. I take a look at Farah but her face is stone cold.
,,She is ready." She says with a voice devoid of emotions.
Either she is a great actress or I a complete fool for trusting another stranger so fast.Let's hope the first.

,,Heh you work fast." He chuckles ,,So now she will obey their commands ?" He is rather curious.

,,Why yes, she 'll do anything I say her to do." She looks at me and her eyes turns grey for second.

,,Pretend I already tamed your mind" I hear her voice in my head.I tried not to flinch but the guard noticed.
,,What's was that!" He start walking toward me but Farah steps in front of me
,,Sometimes they get ticks from the...well intrusion If you get what I mean." She says the last sentence in almost a whisper and shivers runs down my spine. Can't guess if it's because the fear or something else.
Ahh, I am going crazy.

,,Yes i get you." He says with this disgusting smile that almost made me throw Up. ,,We have to go up and present her to the Lord."
He wait for us to exit the door.
F**k the chains, he can't see they broke.
Thankfully Farah was reacting fast.,,Why don't you go first so I can keep my eyes on her, If she tries something."
The man glances her figure and with a smirk he says :,,If you think you can stop her better than I, be my guest."
,,Don't worry I can." She answers confinedly and stands behind me.
Then we all proceed to go out and up the stairs.
This must be a mansion I thought to myself. The interior was gorgeous. If only I wasn't kidnaped here. I would have go and see every room and touch every surface.
We passed a hallway with stunning persians carpets.The foor seem to be made of wood with carved imagines on it.
At the end the guard escorting us opens the door and let us pass through. Than he silently closes them leaving only me, Farah and Mathias's father in the room.
He is standing before his desk and on his face can be seen an anticipation and something dark.
,,Is it done?"

,,There are some complications so I strongly advise you should give her to me for a few weeks and she'll be returned in perfect state of submission.There may be a possiblity that her powers are too strong and they could help her to gain control of herself "

,, Absolutly not, If you want more time,do it here but she is not leaving this house."He says and his cold face is being overtaken by anger.

She speaks to him again and her eyes starts to shine grey again.I eye her curiously of what's going to happen.
,,You are going to give her to me for better control, because YOU think it's a good idea."

,,You know what,I have a great idea. I 'll give her to you to gain more control of her mind." He answers in a bit hypnotised manner. He waves his hand to dismiss us and Farah doesn't waste a second. We quickly turn around and exit the room .
My heart is beating fast and my hands start to shake.
,,You have to calm down." Dowling's voice echoed in my mind and I try my hardest to contain myself.
I couldn't believe that worked.

When we exited the mansion without another look back we entered the car standing in front and depart.

I turn to her and ask something that was bothering me all along.,,I want that explanation now."

She looks and me and start.,, As I said I owned your grandmother, She called me yesterday saying you didn't came home, She did went looking for you, but no one in the city shops seen you. She was quite desperate but than someone called her. That woman was Mellisa. Because her and your grandmother were once on a mission together.She let her know about your situation on how they want to use you. Considering that I was close by I went undercover as Mellisa and ...here we are.

,,But how come no one recognized you? You are well known fairy."
I thought about that for a while now.

,,I was actually using my magic on them the whole time. I didn't on your ,but they saw me as someone else all along. Anything alse you would like to know ?"

,,No I think I have my answers." I answer her questions and suddenly this all situation falls on me.
My eylids start to close and I hear her muffled voice.
,,Don't worry you can rest now I'll be there when you wake up." And I gave in.


I feel hand touching my shoulder and I take a deep breath to look around.
Finaly I am home I think when i see a familiar surroundings.
The doors open and I step out of the car and am immedietly hugged by my grandma. It was just for a few seconds and than the shouting came.
,,Do you know how worried I was ? When you didn't came home and no one seen you? You are so lucky I know Mellisa and Miss Dowling who helped!" But she huged me again.
,,Grandma I am so sorry I should have listened or at least tell you of what's going on."
I say to her and my voice is on the verge of crying.
,,Lets go inside I have to tell you something."And we all went inside. I didn't even noticed that Miss Dowling was also coming in and I looked at my grandma waiting what she has to say to me.
,,I have decided,you 'll go into Alfea this year."

,,What? You can't be serious. I don't want to go to Alfea.I was told i don't  have to while you are training me!"

,,Yes, and my training ends here." She says and look me straight into eyes.

I took a breath and started to argue again but Farah Dowling' voice interupted me.
,,Alfea is the safest place for you now.They may come look for you. And there you 'll get the best education and training."
I tried to calm my feelings and to accept what they told me.

,,They won't know who you are and during your time there you 'll be learning only one element. After normal classes you are going to train your other elements with me in secret."
Being alone with her ? No way I can handle that!

Her eyes flashes grey and her face go stone cold.,,If you don't think you need my help you are welcome. But your mother at your age already controled 4 elements."

F**k she heard that. Probably thought I don't want anything from her.But it's the opposite. Considering she is going to be my teacher I should forget about those things though.

I took a look at my grandma and back at Miss Dowling.
,,Alright I'll go,but I'll start at September"
,,Then, I see you at September." She just says that and immedietly go out into the car.
I watch as it leaves the area and turn to my grandma.
,,I am sorry, but she is right you will be protected there and perhaps you 'll find friends there." She says hopefully.
I go into my room and promptly go into the bathroom and get these dirty clothes off. I enter the shower and look at my wrists. I touch them gently and hiss in pain for there are scar burns from the chains. They will forever be a reminder of this day.

End of Flashback

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