Disclaimer And Info For This Fanfic

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I do not own 40k or halo, they are respectively belong to games workshop and 343.

If you like the covenant, I have to tell you in advance that you won't be liking this story. This is a somewhat bright universe where humanity from both sides could recover from their trauma. While I try not to curb stomp the covies too much, it would have to happen every now and then.

Also, while writing, I realize how small the original setting would be compared to the story I now planned to make so just to let you guys know in advance, the Unsc got a nice boost of 10x of their stuff. Planets, ships, people, you name it. While the covies get a nice 100x... yeah they are the covenant, I still intend them to be the baddies. 

The war would probably stretch far larger than the orion arm. The tech level would be same though halo stuff would be mid tier at best (except forerunner) while 40k would be high tier but have a severe problem of supply and numbers to somewhat compensate.

As the stories progress their tech level would rise depending on the current track of the story. An example of this are elites wiping off their smugness and seriously gearing up for war or a space marine getting a nice human ai for each of their suits or even the miracles of MRE's (aka, ACTUAL GOOD FOOD) for the humble guardsman though this is not set in stone. It's just a little taste what it could be.

The flood is still pending if they are allowed into the story since the halo rings from halo 1 were never discovered due to reach never falling (Ik this is spoilers but come on, you saw this coming the moment 40k pops up)

I would also try write less of fight scenes since it would be more interesting to see the reaction of each faction from both universe. How politics work, how they saw religion, how the good and reasonable halo humans saw the batshit and deranged 40k humans and so on. There would be wars yes, not just as many as you would probably like. Besides, who wants to read an entire fanfiction of covies being stump? 

It would be more fun seeing them despise and fear humanity more and halo humans being horrified how low 40k humans had fallen from grace.... Except ofc if you want only war but I wager most of you won't like that. You would like reactions as well yes?

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