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THE BUTLER Fourth of July party was a Hollywood staple. If you weren't invited, you clearly weren't A-List.

The party consisted of business figures, actors and actresses, singers, athletes, and much more. People came for the food, the culture, the overall experience.

Bella's jaw was dropped slightly as she saw the line of cars starting at the beginning of the Butler's road, leading all the way up the hill to the house. Cars were everywhere. Nice cars.

Leighton pulled right up, driving her car into her usual parking spot. The Butler was glowing in the LA sun, putting her car in park, then rushing to the other side to open Bella's door.

The Hadid was used to this, but the Princess treatment never failed to make her heart race. Bella let her hand slide into Leighton's as the Butler girl helped her out of the car. Leighton closed the car door behind Bella.

Bella wrapped her arm around Leighton's, letting the Butler girl lead the way. Bella had never been to her family house, and it's beauty shocked her. However, the house fit the Butler's personality perfectly. Bella couldn't describe it, but the house just made sense.

Leighton led the model straight to the back, and Bella was hit with the scent of grilled food. It smelt delicious. There was maybe 60 people here so far, but the party would triple in size over the duration of the night.

"Fucking finally." Annika set down a box, making Leighton look over to her sister. Bella smiled gently, knowing by the look on Annika's face, Leighton was about to get yelled at.

"You said you'd be at three. Not fucking five. I set up with Austin and Vanessa. What the fuck. Do you ever just-follow through?!" Annika spat at her younger sister, "Hey Bell. You look sexy as shit."

Bella giggled softly, allowing Annika to hug her.

"You fucker. You're on rib duty. I'm sick of your shit." Annika pointed to the grill, grabbing Bella's arm. "I'll watch her don't worry."


"No. Dad said we each are on the grill for an hour. Suck it up. Darby and all of her friends are inside. Have fun." Annika winked, making Bella laugh a little more.

"Go. I'll be okay." Bella saw the dissatisfaction in her girlfriend's eyes. The singer was obsessed with Bella. Leighton hated being away from Bella.

"Fuck you Annika." Leighton turned furiously and stomped over to the grill. Bella couldn't tell if her girlfriend was actually mad or not.

"She's not mad. Well actually-Maybe she is." Bella looked at Annika, then back at Leighton. "Not at you! At me! But that doesn't matter, come inside."

Bella looked at Leighton once more, seeing her girlfriend already talking to someone near the grill.

Annika dragged the model inside the house, and immediately Bella heard the loud voices of her friends.

"Bella! I missed you baby." Kendall threw herself on the model, kissing her cheek.

"She's drunk." Bella said with a smile, kissing Kendall's cheek back.

"Are you shocked?" Carter asked, hugging Bella too, a cocktail in his hand. "Where's your sexy accessory?"

Bella looked out the large windows of the house, watching as Leighton put a apron over her clothes and turned on the grill.

"Mmmm she can fuck and she can cook." Carter whispered, making Bella blush. "Can she fuck?"

"Okay! I don't need to hear this." Darby pulled Carter to sit down on the couch, making sure the boy didn't spill his drink.

"Bell! You need some?" Fai yelled from behind the bar, holding up a bottle of, you guessed it, 818.

"Sure. Why not." Bella didn't plan on drinking, but when all of her friends were having fun under the influence, she felt the need to be in the same state.

Fai handed Stas a glass with vodka in it, and a few ice cubes. Bella took a quick sip of it, grimacing at the familiar burn.

"More!" Vic yelled out, grabbing the bottle from Fai and running over to Bella. Bella glanced out the large windows, seeing her girlfriend talking Travis. Bella apologized mentally, knowing her girlfriend would be the one to deal with her drunk counterpart later on.

But Bella's stare was interrupted as Vic poured a large amount of vodka into her cup.

"For America?" Fai joked, propping his head on his hand from the bar.

Bella shrugged, smiling gently, and threw the glass back.

LEIGHTON was unaware of how long she had been at the grill. Some of her friends, Dwayne, Travis, Nay, and Kiari were joking around, keeping the girl entertained.

"Let me get some." Leighton reached out for the joint in Nay's hand, taking it and hit it for a very long time, before blowing the smoke out.

"You're high as shit." Travis joked, looking at Leighton's bloodshot eyes, the red clashing with her natural green.

"Girlfriend coming over." Kiari coughed, blowing more smoke from his mouth. Leighton looked up, seeing Bella coming towards her. Her hips were swaying in an exaggerated way, confirming that Bella was not sober.

Kylie, Stas, Kendall, Hailey, and Justine were also with Bella.

"Hey baby." Bella came right over to Leighton, placing her arms around her girlfriend. Leighton could smell the alcohol in Bella's breath, but the model was very good at hiding her drunken state.

Leighton was about to say something, but the sight of her father walking out with Clarissa cut her short. Bella realized her girlfriend's eyes dimmed a bit, causing her to look back to what at caught Leighton's attention.

"My mom loved throwing this party with him." Bella looked back to her girlfriend, who was clenching her jaw. As much as Leighton tried to act strong, the replacement of her mother hurt more than she put out.

The model placed her hand on Leighton's chest, and the other went to her jaw. Bella rubbed softly, eventually grabbing Leighton's attention.

"And she's watching him throw it now. She's right here with you baby." Bella emphasized her hand on Leighton's chest, feeling Leighton's heart beat gently.

Leighton didn't speak, but instead wrapping Bella in a hug. Bella loved Leighton's hugs, the feeling being like nothing else. It was warm, and gentle.

"Everything okay over here?" Her father's voice made Leighton pull out of the hug quickly, but gently. Bella turned, feeling Leighton's hand resting on her hip.

"Dad! This is Bella."

David Butler jumped forward, pulling Bella into a hug. Bella was pleasantly surprised. The model loved huggers.

"It is so nice to meet you. You can call me David." When he released Bella, she gave him a big smile. "This is my girlfriend Clarissa."

"Hi. Wonderful to meet you." Clarissa waved gently, her shy side showing. Bella smiled back, not wanting to upset her girlfriend by being extremely friendly with Clarissa. Leighton wouldn't get mad or anything, Bella just didn't want her to be upset.

"Nice to meet you as well."

Someone called David's name, making the older man turn towards the voice. David tapped Clarissa's hand slightly, winked at Leighton, smiled towards Bella, then excused himself. Clarissa attached to his side.

"Wasn't so hard was it?" Bella teased her girlfriend, a small smile on her beautiful sculpted face. Leighton shrugged, making Bella purse her lips and tilt her head.

"No it wasn't that hard." Leighton whispered, making Bella giggle a little. The model placed her finger under Leighton's chin, making the girl loom up. Bella leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"I knew it wouldn't be."

BY CHANCE, bella hadidWhere stories live. Discover now