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LEIGHTON didn't dislike her father's new girlfriend, but she didn't like her either.

She didn't like that this girlfriend sat where her mother used to. She didn't like that this stranger made her dad smile the way her mom once did. She didn't like how easy it was for her dad to find someone new.

Sure, her mom died two years ago. That was a long time ago to stay lonely. She understood her dad's need to have someone. He gave that need to her.

But that simple fact didn't make the interaction any easier.

And it disgusted Leighton to think this girl was almost the same age as Austin. She was thirty four, and working on her PhD. Sure, she was smart, but she was young.

But of course, Leighton understood love is love. Her dad loved her mom at one point.

"Leighton." Her father's voice made her jump in her chair slightly, looking around at the nicely lit yard. Her dad's house had a beautiful view of Los Angeles. The mansion sat on a cliff, overlooking the bustling city. "Leighton?"

"Yeah, sorry?" Leighton answered softly, her eyes going back to her dad who sat at the other end of the wooden table outside.

"Clarissa was saying she loves your music." Leighton glanced over to Clarissa, the younger girl smiling slightly. However, Leighton's eye began to well up as she thought about who used to sit in that spot. That was her mother's spot.

"Thanks but can you move?" The youngest sister didn't mean for it to come out harshly, but it certainly did. Darby and Austin sent Leighton a harsh glare, Annika snickering slightly at Leighton's stiff demeanor.

"Leighton Style." Her father never used her middle name, which made her realize quickly what she said. "That was incredibly rude young-"

"David its okay. I'll just move over there." Clarissa said sweetly, making Leighton feel slightly bad instantly. The singer watched as Clarissa stood up and grabbed her plate. Austin made an attempt to help, causing the youngest Butler to feel even worse.

"Chill out on her." Annika whispered slightly, making Leighton clench her jaw.

"She was in mom's spot." Leighton didn't mean to talk as loud as she did, but the anger remained at large. Why could this women just waltz into their life and try to adapt the mother figure they lost so suddenly. "You will never replace her."

Leighton didn't care for her father nor sibling's reactions as she threw her silverware onto the table, pushed her chair back and stormed inside. The girl rushed to the nearest bathroom which was located near the foyer. Stopping by the counter, the girl grabbed her phone.

She opened the door, and shut it loudly. Leighton was breathing heavily, and as she looked into the mirror, she broke down. Tears began to fall from her eyes, staring her cheeks. The girl cried quietly, not understanding why she lost it on Clarissa.

Her father's new girlfriend seemed incredibly sweet and kind. Clarissa reminded Leighton of her mother slightly, only making her cry harder. Leighton grabbed her phone and quickly dialed out Bella's number.

The phone only rang once, her lover's sweet and angelic voice calming her. However, Leighton sniffled, alarming Bella quickly.

"Baby what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I freaked out Bella. I saw her in my mom's chair and I-" Leighton cried softly, biting her lip, "I lost it."

"Oh love..." Bella whispered into the phone, to which Leighton cried harder. "Who did you lose it on?" Leighton soon remembered not many people knew about David Butler's new girl, the world only knowing of his previous wife's passing.

BY CHANCE, bella hadidWhere stories live. Discover now