"What do you want me to do? Thank you for the bruses you gave me the first day of school?" I angrily mumbled under my breath.

"What the fuck did you say?" He said standing up from where he was sitting, making his way over to me.

I sighed already knowing what that was coming. "Nothing."

Next thing I knew, my mouth was bleeding as my father's fist made qiuck contact with my face.

"Don't fucking answer me when I talk to you unless I tell you to, you fucking bastard." He said huffing and puffing.

I just heald my face and continued getting out of the house, but my mother had time stop me before I got out. "You better not tell anyone about this or you're going to be in big trouble when you get back." She said putting her hand on her waist.

I just nodded in response and continued on my way out of the door.

I got on my bicycle and started my ride to school. My parents never got around to buying me a car because they didn't have enough money, or maybe they just hated me too much to give a shit about how I got to school.

For most people school is a burden, but for me it's an escape. School and work is the only time I get to be away from that hell of a house and my cruel parents.

I always wondered what it would be like to have different parents and siblings. What it would be like to be part of a happy family. I always wanted a brother, a dog and a happy life. But I guess I can only dream.

What did I do to deserve such a hard life and monsters with human faces for parents? That's the questions I always ask God, but I guess he never got around to giving me an answer.

When I entered the school building, the halls were already crowded with chattering students in every corner. It was times like these that I truly understood the sad truth.

I am truly alone.

I have no friends who are excited to see me after the long and boring summer. No one waiting at my locker to catch me up with the latest gossip. Not that I care about gossip. The point is I had no one.

I made my way to my locker and took what I needed for my first class, which of course was mathematics. Unlike the general population I actually really liked maths and I'm also really good at it so it doesn't bother me as much.

The first few periods flew by quickly, and before I knew it, it was already lunchtime. The cafeteria was was crowded and the lunch line was ridiculously long. Normally I would just skip luch but with how hungry I was, I don't think I'd last much longer if I considered skipping another meal. So I got in line and waited.

I got a ham and cheese sandwich, a cartoon of milk, carrot sticks and a some ranch dressing and headed to a table right at the end of the cafeteria and sat alone.

Just as I was eating and reading a book, minding my own business, two guys came and stood in front of me.

I lowered my book when I sensed their presence and knitted my eyebrows together as if asking 'what do you'll want.'

One of the boys whose name I didn't know, deviously chuckled. "The line is long and I really don't feel like waiting so I'm taking your lunch."

I sighed loudly. "Get lost." I told him going back to read my book.

"You better watch how you fucking talk to me." He said grabbing my tray and leaving with it.

I thought of putting up a fight but I know that if I end up in a fight and the school calls my parents and tell them, I would be dead before I even enter the door to my house.

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