Part 3 The Cavern Explroation

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As Lizabeth sat down next to Jacob, both Pikachu heard something and went to check it through the little door in the roof and Ash did the same only to see three helicopters following them.

Ash: They're back!

He went back inside and the trailer then sped up.

Phantom: Stop the trailer now!

Chatot: Stop the trailer now.

They launched a grappling hook and it grabbed the trailer through the roof of it. The gang was then frightened seeing the hook. Phantom's team kept pulling them another helicopter launched another hook that grabbed them and started to slow them down and Jacob was holding onto Manaphy as well as he could then Lizabeth held on to him.

Shin: Quick everybody move to the front!

As they kept pulling everyone walked to the front balancing on the coupler.

Meredith: Jacob!

Jacob: Help me!

He got help since he couldn't balance well holding Manaphy. Then it came to Brock and Lizabeth.

Brock: Lizabeth!

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to safety. Then the rest of the gang got across and Shin uncoupled the two sections and let the trailer slide away for the helicopters to go crazy and due to two of them holding onto it, the trailer stumbled down the slope they were right next to and dragged two copters along with it.

Manaphy: Phy. Phy.

Jacob: It's okay Manaphy.

Manaphy: Mana? Phy.

Jacob: Everything will be fine.

Max: Guess it's not easy being a dad.

Jacob: Thanks for the wisdom Max. He said a little angry.

Then some of the gang laughed and Jacob hugged Manaphy and Manaphy liked it and hugged him back.

Kyle: It's got to be near here.

Shin: Just a little farther.

At some ruins in the forest Team Rocket was laying in a circle and then realized they were back to normal.

Jessie: I just had the worst dream. For some strange reason I was Meowth.

James: Really? Weird. I was you.

Meowth: Yeah? I was you. Blue hair and all.

Jessie: Then it couldn't have been a dream. Could it?

Then they saw Wobafett doing what it does always and then saw Mime Jr doing the same thing as Wobafett.

Jessie: Now what are you two doing?

They then did the same thing again

Team Rocket: Huh?

They noticed the vehicle that Jacob and the gang were in pull up at the ruins.

They noticed the vehicle that Jacob and the gang were in pull up at the ruins

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