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(Hello! Yup another snake eyes/devildice story, this one is gonna be more related to the cuphead show spoilers for season 3! And of course the other two seasons probably lol)

In the depths of hell, the devil sits on his throne in his throne room. He looks at the carpet in thought. Sadness and tiredness riddled on his face. 'I've tried so hard to get that cup!' 'But it seems even when I get close to getting his soul....something STUPID comes up and snatches it away from me!'

He puts his head on his hand, still looking down. 'I almost won that time too!' 'When will it be my turn?!' He thought angrily. Henchmen then walked into the room, he held onto a newspaper. "Heya boss! Look what I got" he said holding up the paper for his boss to see.

The devil turned to face the newspaper. He looked at henchmen then back at the paper. "Henchmen, I don't need a vacation to bail" the devil said annoyed that he's showing him this. Henchmen looked at him confused then turned to look at the paper. "Oh! Whoops, wrong side" he said nervously, he turns the paper again.

Devil looks at it, his eyes widened. He slowly started to smile, his grin growing maliciously. "Ah yes! My new casino is finally open and it's already the talk of the town" devil said happily. "I'm sure it will be the most popular place in all of inkwell Island!" Henchmen exclaimed.

Devil nodded and laughed wickedly. "Oh thank you, henchmen for showing me this" "maybe things will be better with this new casino" the devil said hopefully. Henchmen smiled at his boss and nodded. "Say, since king dice is working for you again, he should be the regional manager of the casino" henchmen told him.

Devil viably flinched at the mention of king dice. He hasn't given king dice a big job since he rehired him. "Uh- maybe..." "I'll have to think about that" devil said nervously. As much as he believed dice to be capable of the task he still was nervous of giving him such a big role.

Devil didn't want to fail again, he's done way too much of that lately. So giving king dice so much power might make him lose, again. He also wants king dice to feel more important, because devil generally cares for king dice and wants him to succeed, he just is worried if he doesn't.

He felt like he was way to hard on dice, when he failed him in getting cupheads soul. Though now that's no longer needed, since cupheads soul is no longer available to steal anymore. (Even though the devil definitely wants to) henchmen just smiles up at his boss, he then walks away with the newspaper.

Devil lays back in his throne chair. He sighs yet again, very conflicted on what to do. King dice is definitely very loyal even if he doesn't always get the job done. He's been working for devil for years now, he still even when he was fired was still very loyal to him. He seemed to desperately want the devil to be proud of him.

Which made the devils stomach turn, he couldn't tell if it was in a bad way or not and if it was in a good way, what did that mean? Devil just closed his eyes and stopped thinking about it all. He just fell asleep on his throne.

A couple hours later, the devil awoke to an annoying sound he was all too familiar with. "Excuse me!" It yelled in its annoyingly rude voice. Devil opened his eyes to see stickler in front of him, poking him with his long fingers.

"Ugh! What is it stickler?" The devil asked him in annoyance. Stickler moved back a couple feet from him, then cleared his throat. "You should be at work, right now" "we have a tight schedule, especially now that you created a casino" stickler told him sternly.

Devil groaned and got up from his throne. He grabbed his pitchfork that was sitting right next to his chair. He started floating, holding onto the trident. " I'll go make myself a coffee, you can go and tell the employees that I'll be running late" the devil told him, floating away from him.

"Actually sir, you should be in your office right now" stickler scolded him. The devil groaned again and smiled in malice at stickler. "Of course! I'll just go now then" he said hiding his annoyance. He then teleported all the way to the surface, inside of his office in his casino.

His office was very similar to his throne room, expect for the pictures on his walls. Which he didn't want to hang in his work space because sometimes mortals would probably walk in here to talk to him. So he sat down on his chair that also was very similar to his throne room chair, and he got to work. He hated this part of his job, it was all just making sure souls were there!

He would normally have his imps or just stickler do this kind of stuff, but today was one of the busier days. So, instead he did the work in the casino while his imps did the soul collecting from outside of the casino. Though, since the casino only opened a couple of days ago there wasn't much to go through.

Henchmen came into the room a couple hours later, he brought some tea and snacks with him. Devil relaxed for a bit, while he ate the snacks and drank his tea. He no longer got angry over cups of tea because not only was henchmen helping him control his anger but he felt he didn't really need to hold a grudge. Cuphead was no longer in his life, nor his brother and chalice.

So, instead of getting angry everytime a cup is brought up, he just ignores it. He has gotten much better controlling his anger due to henchmen, though he still can have random fits every now and then. Ever since not seeing the cups that much he hasn't got so angry that he lights stuff on fire. Not even to stickler who he hates maybe a little more than cuphead.

King dice sometimes helps him with his anger as well, king dice used to be a source of his anger. Especially when he couldn't get cupheads soul but now king dice seems to make him calmer. Other than his racing heart, the devil is very relaxed around dice.

Which, confuses and intrigues him. King dice has been a source of comfort, whenever the devil gets too upset over something, he thinks of KD and immediately he's fine. He's calm, which makes the devil wonder why, why is that the case? Maybe ever since he realized how important king dice is to him, he's more happy and relaxed to have him around.

Devil wants to prove to dice that he generally values his loyalty, other than henchmen, king dice is the only person who has stayed in his life for so long. The only people who have stayed after everything horrible the devil has done. As much as the devil loves being evil and causing trouble and mayhem, he wishes for more Freinds, he wishes for more people to care about him.

He doesn't dislike being feared but he doesn't exactly love it either. He wishes he could still be the devil that everyone feared but also someone who people loved and respected. He wants to be both, but knows that he can't. So he sticks to being feared because it's all he's ever known. He's scared though, that one day henchmen and king dice will leave too. All of a sudden, there's a knock on his door.

"Come in!" He calls, as he looks at his papers some more. Henchmen sits on the ground and drinks his tea. The door slowly opens and when the devil looks up, he again visible flinches. Standing in the door way, is king dice. He holds the door open and smiles at his boss. "Heya boss, mind if I have a talk with ya?" He asks him kindly.

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