Chapter 12.

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Aisling's POV 

I opened my eyes not remembering for a moment where I was. Until I saw the dark room again. 

Right, this guy kidnapped me. He made a deal with Jimin and they are going to rescue me. And now I remember who I am. 

"Great, you're awake. What happened to you? I didn't even do anything." The guy said as he came towards me. "You are making me lose the small time I still have with you." 

"I-I remember who I am." I told him. For some reason I'm still trying to get a hold of this moment. 

Jimin and Taehyung... they were my best friends since childhood. We were inseparable. Until that accident. That stupid accident that ruined my life. 

But now I understand why they made me feel safe. Why they had that familiarity and all those things they kept saying to me. They were family to me. They were my safe space when I was younger and I guess it hasn't really changed. Although my mother wished it did. 

I may have lost my memory, but the feelings were always there. 

"Yeah, whatever I don't really care." The guy said as he brushed it off as if it was not a big deal. But it is a big deal. 

Now I feel like everything is right in my life. Like that piece of me that was missing- it's finally back in my heart. "Well I do. Because I won't let you hurt me again. Now I have a reason to live. A reason to fight." 

He actually laughed when I said that. "Do you think that changes the fact that your friends would better without you? C'mon. You've caused them all so much pain already. So just be useful and let me use you." He said as he then put a rug over my mouth, shushing me. As much as I wanted to now scream so someone would rescue me, I couldn't. 

"I've been waiting to do this with you conscious." He said as he came even closer to me. His hands began to move all over my body and as much as I wanted to move away from his touch I couldn't. My hands were tied and so were my legs and hands. I can't escape. 

This is what's supposed to happen now. I just hope now that my friends will save me. 

*A few hours later* *In the night of that same day*

Jimin's POV 

"Is it here?" Hoseok asked me and I nodded as we made it to the location. I'm not sure if this guy is stupid or what, but of course we are bringing the police with us. They are hiding however, so he doesn't run away as soon as he sees me. 

I'm with Sabrina as well, and the other boys are in another van closer to the location. So if anything goes wrong, we go running to them. 

"I can't believe Aisling has been missing for more than a week and we just got that random phone call from this guy." Sab said as she shook her head closing her eyes. We were waiting for the clock to strike for 8pm so we could meet with the guy. 

"I'm sure she's fine. She has to be." 

"But what that guy said... he said she was willing to die. She doesn't care about her life Jimin. She doesn't care about me." 

"Of course she does Sab." 

"Stop trying to make me feel like she does. She doesn't. If she truly did... she would've of tried to fight." 

That made me be silent. Knowing that there was nothing that could convince Sabrina to feel better. I felt like crap too. Knowing Aisling knows that I was lying to her about something as big as that accident from her life. 

Now she knows. She obviously heard it from the phone so she knows. She knows that I lied. That Taehyung and I lied. 

"It's 8 guys. Are you ready?" Hoseok asked and I look at the clock to see that sure enough it was 8. I look through the window of my sit and saw that the policemen were hiding behind the trees around the park, surrounding it. I then look over at the entrance and saw a guy carrying someone on their shoulder. 


"That's her." Sabrina said. My heart began to accelerate as I really hope this turns out as we are expecting and no one gets hurt. 

I took Sabrina's hand out of instinct because I was so scared and I could tell she was too. We got out of the car and went to meet with the guy. "So... the famous Jimin. And you must be Sabrina." The guy said with a smirk. I saw that the person on his shoulder was Aisling. She was unconscious. 

"Okay. Give us Aisling and we'll give you the money." I told him as I was holding the envelope in my hand. Of course there was no money in it. We were not actually planning on giving it to him. We just needed him to think we were going to do it. 

"You think I'm stupid? I want to count the money first and THEN I'll give you your precious Aisling." I gulped as I was not expecting him to say that. 


I look around the park and tried to tell telepathically to the police that we needed help. 

But they didn't move. 

I look at Sab and she was just looking at Aisling. She was focusing on her best friend and reaching her hands as if that would make the guy feel bad and give her to us. 

"C'mon, don't be shy now boy." The guy said as he then put Aisling down on the grass. He didn't do it swiftly though. I saw how Aisling's body just collapsed to the ground making me close my eyes. Even that must have hurt. 

I tried to take a step closer to the guy, but someone grabbed my wrists. "Jimin what are you doing?" Sab whispered so the guy wouldn't hear us. 

I look back at the guy and he was waiting. I saw him however, moving his hand towards his back. 

Please, police, we need you. Now. 

"NOW!" A policemen yelled from somewhere over the park. They began to come out of everywhere from the park, now surrounding the guy and Aisling. One of the policemen pushed us back so we wouldn't get into the circle. 

"PUT YOUR HANDS WERE WE CAN SEE THEM!" The policemen yelled again and we couldn't make out what was happening. 

C'mon... c'mon. Save Aisling. 

Sabrina was holding onto my arm, trying her hardest not to cry. I could feel her trembling. 

"Oh now I see what you did... you shouldn't have done that Jimin." I heard the guy say in kind of a singing voice. 

"PUT YOUR HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!" The police yelled again and it was annoying me that we couldn't see what was happening but we had a policemen in front of me and another one on the back, so we wouldn't get hurt. 

Suddenly we heard a gunshot and that's when the chaos began. 

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