Chapter 1

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Here's a story I found on my old laptop, enjoy!


Normal Text

Thought/Cursed Spirit Speech Text

Writing/Text Message Text

Other Personality Text

Special Attack Text

Sound Effect Text


Water... There was just water for as far as the eye could see, there didn't seem to be a bottom to it either, just more water. There was one thing in the water. The body of a person, male judging by their build, bound by countless paper talisman seals, with seemingly endless chains binding him and pulling him downward deeper into the depths. Suddenly some of the talismen seals came loose around the face, the wrappings floated upward, revealing a white haired youth underneath, he opened his eyes, he then gave a look like he was happy. "Wake up... Wake up and see the truth..."


Lincoln Loud, the middle child of the Loud family, opened his eyes as the alarm went off, rising from bed and rubbing the tiredness from his eyes. Lincoln took a look outside, hoping to see bright sunshine, only to see a large red eye staring back at him. "GAH!!!" Lincoln exclaimed before falling back.

The Loud boy watched as the red-eyed creature staring at him from outside his window wandered away, he could hear a voice whispering, "Do you have a dollar to spare...? May I have a dollar...?" The voice echoed through Lincoln's head, the voice of the... Whatever the hell that thing was... Sent shivers down Lincoln's spine. He had never experienced fear like this before. But something in him felt giddy... Almost... Happy, joyous in fact.

"Kids!" The sound of his mother's voice snapped Lincoln out of his fear. "Get dressed and brush your teeth, time for school!" Lincoln got up and began getting into his dresser to get dressed for the day. After getting dressed, Lincoln stepped out of his room to be greeted by a strange sight. The girls were already going downstairs and fully dressed. "Did I pass out for a few minutes when I fell down...?" Lincoln thought as walked into the bathroom with no line in his way.

After a shower and a quick change of clothes, Lincoln walked out of the bathroom and downstairs for breakfast, a simple egg and bacon. Nothing strange happened during that, just casual breakfast at the kid's table. The Louds then filed out of the house and into the old rustbucket that was Vanzilla. There, Lincoln heard another begin ringing to his ears, "Looks like another Cursed Spirit slipped in... Meh, I'll deal with it later." Lincoln couldn't put a name or face to the voice he heard.

Lincoln shrugged it off as just some noise from the radio that he misheard as he leaned back into his seat. Closing his eyes, he drifted off into sleep while his sisters talked on and on while his parents drove them to school.


Water... There was nothing but water... Again... Lincoln couldn't see anything but water until he spotted something. It was the white-haired young man again, this time, more of the talisman seals came off and even some of the chains broke off, revealing his whole face. It was... His face... Lincoln was staring at his own face, the only difference was, there were tattoos on his face, all styled like a flame, they were on the jawline, chin, nose, under the eyes, and on the forehead. The other Lincoln's eyes then opened, and he looked directly at Lincoln before an eerie smile crept across his face. "See the truth..." The water around the other Lincoln began bubbling. "See this farce for what it truly is."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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