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black magic and demonic shit

"What were you thinking?!" Lizzie hisses at her sister.

"I wasn't." Josie retorts. "I wasn't gonna let her die."

Lizzie shakes her head no. "We wouldn't have let that happen either. But black magic and you—well you don't go well together Jo. It always ends up biting us in the ass."

Josie gives her a stern look for a moment. Then she speaks. Lizzie kind of wish she didn't.

"Why do you hate me using black magic this much? I can handle it Lizzie. You're the one who can't." Josie glares at Lizzie—her eyes don't even look the same.

The look in her eyes Lizzie knows what she actually wants to say.

You're weak Lizzie.

Lizzie takes a step back, her mouth feels suddenly dry.
Josie's voice is taunting her, repeating itself over and over in her mind.

"I'm just—I'm gonna check on Aurora."

Josie didn't even look sorry. Lizzie knows she is the weak one, she will die in the merge and doom her sister with her insanity forever.


Josie knows it too. Hell everyone knows it.

She is the weak one.

She can't handle dark magic. She can't even handle herself. She is a mess. And she is going to lose the merge.

Lizzie is absentmindedly walking when she hears Aurora's overtly chirpy voice.

"Hiya Sabrina. Whoa—who pissed in your cheerios?" She is snacking on m&ms. "Where did you even get that?" Lizzie asks. The hunter shrugs. "Hope always keeps one in her bag because I apparently throw tantrums. Want some?"

Lizzie rolls her eyes, putting on her bubbly blonde persona. Smiling through pain—this is what she's good at. "Speaking of, where's your girlfriend?"

"Loverboy's on fire." The girl gestures Landon with her head. Lizzie sighs, Josie was already paranoid about Hope. It's a matter of seconds she realises her boyfriend is back from the dead.

Maybe... maybe this could distract her.

"Come with me." Lizzie grabs Aurora's arm and drags her behind the tree—away from prying eyes. Aurora drops the bag of m&ms. "Man! I wasn't finished."

"Lizzie if you're gonna declare your undying love for me—gotta burst your bubble. You're not really my type, I'm into brunettes." Aurora teases with an over dramatic tone. Lizzie rolls her eyes. "And I'm into boys. I just wanted to say... thank you for saving me." She pauses. "Bitch."

Aurora barks out a laugh. "Yeah, don't take it personal. I had beef with Dag-y."

Lizzie knows she's just trying to be the reckless goth hunter she pretends to be. Like how Lizzie pretends to be the bubbly blonde.

They're like each other in more ways, Lizzie just didn't even realise it before.

She isn't sure if they'll ever be friends but she is sure of one thing: she will forever be grateful for Aurora Morgan putting her life at risk to save hers—a girl she barely knows.

"I'm sorry about the grimoire. I know you wanted to get out of here."

Aurora shrugs. "It's okay, I'm going to be stuck in this hell hole for a while."

Lizzie takes a deep breath. She can do this.

I can handle black magic. You're the one who can't.

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