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there's no crying in football

Aurora Morgan isn't exactly a sporty spice, sure the girl's in good shape: defined upper body, legs for days and a strong core. But she has chopping vamp heads off to thank for that. And Ace's crazy workouts.

Or the fact that she's never stayed at a place long enough to make it to the team. So she had to come up with new extracurricular activities.

Now though, things are quite different. The blonde huntress stands in the middle of the team in her navy tennis skirt (well technically it is a skort) and mystic high jersey, a pink whistle hanging loose on her neck.

"Alright people." She starts. Somehow she's stepped up to be the leader/coach. Alaric has no problem with it and Aurora kicked the guy who tried to make fun of her in the nuts, (but she did it so discreetly that no one really could do anything) and that's how she earned respect. Or at least some sort of fear. Which is also good. Ish.

"We gonna bury the stallions to the ground." She spots Hope from her peripheral vision, she knows her sulking figure by heart for know. "Quarterback, come here for a sec, will ya?"

Hope rips her gaze from Landon and Josie and jogs to the team. "Now do the team thingy!" The blonde chirps, shoving Hope in the middle of the circle of people and grins like an idiot. She is utterly and completely unapologetic about her lack of knowledge in sports.

She gives them an army salute and jogs to Alarics direction. "Howdy Doc."

"Kid." Alaric nods at her with a smile.

"Who's that wierdo?" She gestures the creepy with the bow tie, standing by the Salvatore Stallions. Alaric doesn't even have to look at that direction to know who's she talking about. He lets out a tired, heavy sigh. "My replacement. Headmaster Vardemus."

"Pfff, he looks like a fucking joke from where I'm standing." Aurora hums eying the guy then spins around, she raises a finger in Alaric's direction. "One sec Doc." She mumbles and starts blowing her whistle furiously.

Alaric has no idea what's going on.

"Hey!" She yells. "You! Yes you with the pigtails! Quit flirting with Ethan! Do four laps! Now!" The poor girl is left startled and Ethan looks down blushing. "I've already done five. You're not the coach." She hisses.

Aurora grits her teeth and nods before blowing her whistle furiously. "I. Said. Do. Four. Fucking. Laps. Now!" The girl lets out a loud whine and stomps her foot on the ground. "Quit whining!" Aurora yells. "There is no crying in football!"

And I'm Tom fucking Hanks, baby.

"Yeah, where were we?" She turns her attention back on Alaric, as if nothing's happened. "Wow." He says, taking in her whole outfit, the cap, the whistle and the towel thrown over her shoulder. "You're taking this very seriously, huh?"

"You kiddin' me?" Aurora laughs. "I get to yell people all day, this is my dream job!" She pauses. "Well, apart from chopping heads off and shooting at shit, which is therapeutic."

Alaric shakes his head to himself. "That is so wrong in so many levels."

Aurora ignores the older man and lets her gaze linger on the weird guy. "Permission to stick my nose in where it doesn't belong?"

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