Everyone exited their boats, parked in parallel rows across the shore line. Sigrid readied her axe as they neared closer to the rocky entrance of the giant mountain, taller than any she'd seen before. Her father led the battle-ready vikings further, stopping at the darkened path, before motioning for the catapults to shoot their scouting hay-ball of fire. 

The fire lit up the long wide cave, showing hundreds - maybe thousands - of dragons covering the walls and ceiling as they flinched at the sudden intrusion, but stayed glued on the rocks. Sigrid held her breath, she'd never seen so many dragons before, and who knows how many more were inside. 

Stoick raised his hammer, shield barred at his front as he yelled, charging forward and prompting the others to do the same. But something wasn't right, as no dragon seemed to want to fight them, flying over their heads and scattering in the never ending sky. 

"We've done it!" Vikings cheered, but Sigrid could tell that her father wasn't so convinced, as he stared in the distance towards their boats. 


The Chief's thick brow frowned. 

"This isn't over!" Stoick boomed. "Form your ranks, hold together!" 

He stood at the entrance, back turned to the tribe members with a wide protective stance. A loud bellowing cry came from within the depths of the mountain, the stone cracking as their boats swayed in the wind. Whatever was in there, it wouldn't be held for long. Stoick was stubborn, keeping stand near the entrance until he could not longer. In seconds, the floor crumbled beneath him, and he was forced to jump back on the gravelled grounds. 

"Get clear!" He commanded, as vikings scattered back to their boats in panic. 

The other groups faltered back, but Sigrid refused to back down. The mountain crumbled apart as the biggest dragon she'd ever seen pushed itself from the depths, giant boulders flying off the sides, almost flattening them dead. 

"Catapults!" She heard her father yell, but the shooting rocks did little to nothing to the titan-like beast. 

It seemed they only angered the beast further, as it threw its head back with a loud roar, before spewing hellish rays of spreading flames at their boats. Now, the vikings had no way out. 

"Sigrid!" Stoick boomed. "Get everyone to the other side of the island!"

The redhead nodded, blue eyes wide with focus as her heart beating rapidly. Adrenaline rushed through her veins like a Nightfury through the darkened skies. Never before had she felt like this.

"Let's go!" She yelled to the others, pushing them along and telling her group to guide them, making sure no one was left behind. 

She glanced back, scared as she saw Stoick and Gobber challenge the Red Death, taunting it with raised hands and booming voices. With heavy breaths, she saw as the fire on their boats spread, her focus leading to a dark wriggling figure. With a gasp, Sigrid remembered her promise, and ran for the trapped dragon. Ignoring the yells from her other group members as they pleaded with her to stay with them, she continued to run. 

"Oh! that's fire." She mumbled to herself as she looked for a way in, one that didn't involve burning herself. 

Screw it, she thought, before taking a leap of faith as she jumped on the burning wood, wincing as the heat tickled her skin. She made it. 

"Hey, bud." She greeted the dragon awkwardly, who just looked at her with curious eyes. 

Sigrid was in a hurry, the wooden floors wouldn't make it for long, but the trap was too strong. Logical, ofcourse, but really not convenient at the moment. First, she pulled the muzzle of the dragon's head, who wriggled it in relief. She was able to snap one off the chains off the wooden surface, but struggled with the thick wooden neck trap. The loud thud besides her had Sigrid snap her head in alarm, only to spot her little brother scurrying over with hurried breaths. 

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