v. assumption

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To: Ferran Torres

You: 📸 photo
You: see ur damage sucker
Ferran Torres: 😮
Ferran Torres: I didn't expect it to get that... big
You: ok but what did you THINK would happen you full on came at me with your head
You: it's like two bulls going at one with their horns in the air except it was just one bull with their horns in the air (you)
You: and the other was innocently dancing (me)
You: smh
Ferran Torres: you're never letting this go, are you
You: never, bull 😎
Ferran Torres: I didn't know you and Pedri would be together today
You: huh?
Ferran Torres: the picture
Ferran Torres: it's you and pedri together, unless he has a twin which adds to the list of mysterious things about the guy
You: oh right
You: he just left, he found my purse in his car last night so brought it to me
Ferran Torres: nice guy
You: he is
Ferran Torres: did he come to your flat?
You: nah I was at the library today so I met him at the bike shop and he took me to my car from there
You: since I left it at the club yesterday
Ferran Torres: nice guy
Ferran Torres: so he found your purse, told you, picked you up and took you to your car?
You: sí
Ferran Torres: nice guy
You: ❓❓❓
You: how's the ankle
Ferran Torres: eh
Ferran Torres: I'll live
You: hope katherine didn't torture you too much
Ferran Torres: I may have to get ear surgery done after that lecture and pretty sure she'll try to studs-up tackle me next time at training so will make sure to get extra protection
You: I'd say that's a big shout
You: seeing as she is my cousin n all
You: I can try and pull some strings
Ferran Torres: thank u thank u, appreciated
Ferran Torres: you go to the library then?
You: unfortunately
You: think I'm as prepared as can be for tomorrow
Ferran Torres: I'm sure you'll be fine, and in case you do fail, tell them the reason is bc i headbutted you and caused brain damage
You: will do 👍
You: also at some point i'm inviting you and pedri over for dinner
Ferran Torres: oh?
You: since he helped me out a great deal in the last couple days i feel the need to repay him
You: i also like cooking for people
Ferran Torres: why are you inviting me?
Ferran Torres: i get pedri
Ferran Torres: he's a nice guy
You: is he aye
Ferran Torres: 🖕but I did the opposite of help you
You: for the shits and giggles, yknow
Ferran Torres: for the shits and giggles, got it
You: ur a cool guy, Ferran. i want you to come. it'll be nice
Ferran Torres: I'm a 😎cool😎 guy
You: don't make me change the emoji of choice
You: alright i'm away to study
Ferran Torres: okay, see you later
You: adios bull <3


The exam was, as expected, very mentally exhausting. Five hours in total with a one hour break in between the multiple choice and written assessment. So six hours in uni, ten am full four pm. Two hours in the silent floor of the library before. Thirty minutes to walk over (because it was gorgeous and calming to walk). Thirty minutes to debrief with herself at the coffee shop (still before).

Then went for dinner and drinks with some of her mates from university, to celebrate their first year finishing. They were all going to the club after but... Sophia's memory was still fresh and still grimacing after what happened the other night. By the time she'd even left the restaurant they were at to celebrate, it was almost seven pm. A full twelve hours away from her flat, and she just wanted to sleep.

"You sure you don't want to come with?" Helena, one of her friends, touched Sophia's elbow.

"Nah," Sophia smiles. "I'm shattered. And going back to Seville tomorrow, I need to pack."

"So we won't see you till the new semester starts?" Another mate, Derek, asked.

"Nah," says Sophia, "We have our trip to Glasgow next month, right? Where I turn you all into Celtic fans."

Change of Location - Pedri GonzálezOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant