Chapter 14

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Author's POV:

Seeing your surprised frown and flushed face, he tilted his face, smiling a little. Seeing him, your heart started aching even more and more hot tears spilt down your face. You thought he was going to ask you to get up or lift you. But instead, he crouched down in front of you and said, "Now we're sharing the attention of the public."
You couldn't help but smile through the tears when he said that.
"There goes Mother Teresa." You whispered as he chuckled.
"W-Why are you here?" You asked, your voice coming out unsure and low. Taehyung smiled and said, "I was on my way to the park when I saw this one woman crying in the middle of the streets."

You looked down, wiping your tears and got up along with him as he looked at the papers in your hand before looking at you. You clutched the paper even tighter now that he was in front of you. Taehyung walked closer to you, keeping the necessary distance and hid your face with his hands.
You let out a confused breath as he said, "I figured you were embarrassed because of how red your face looked right now."

Right, that you were. He didn't have to know so much and act like that. It only hurts you more.
You looked down and let yourself cool down, "Take your hands down, it's fine now."
He did as you said and smiled, "So... is it very bad?"
He looked at the papers and wondered how to phrase them. But you got the hint and spoke before he could say anything, "No. I'm just... a little... I mean... no."
You had no idea how to tell him anything related to that. He must've understood because he hummed, "Do you want the hot chicken sticks they're selling there? They have fish sticks too."
"What?!" Your voice came out breathy and surprised.

"You said that last time... didn't you? When it's cold and sad... we always seek warmth from somewhere. So warm food warms you up, it makes you feel better."

Right, you did say that. You looked down as he walked towards the stall, turning around and asking, "Do you not want to?"
You stared at him, a little baffled but nodded, following him. You shouldn't hang out with him, should you? Not after everything that happened today.
You felt worse. Why did you keep running into him? Returning to him? You shouldn't be.

You couldn't control yourself either. But you had to. Just a little longer.

"Aren't you busy?" You asked as he said, "Not really... It's my day off today."
You nodded and looked at the stall. He bought you so many chicken and fish sticks. You wanted to pay but forgot your wallet at home as well.
"I'll repay you, promise." You said as he smiled, "Of course... do so."
You walked towards a dustbin nearby and threw away the torn papers as he watched you with sad eyes. He felt worried for you.

You both finished eating and somewhere, it felt better. The warm food in this cold winter eased your heart.

But this uneasy feeling in you didn't disappear. You had no idea why simply standing next to him made you wonder if you were wrong. No doubt you wanted to be with him. But, you shouldn't, right?

"I should go..." You spoke as you both were walking on the pavement. He looked at you and continued, "You could..." Suddenly, he stopped and turned around, looking straight into your eyes as you felt your heartache all of a sudden. Again.

"It's okay. You're not wrong." He spoke. You frowned as he continued, "You're not committing a crime, I promise. We're just... people with flaws who are trying their best not to make a mistake. You could still be happy... soon. I promise."
You looked away, blinking away your tears and said, "I..."
"Should I stay away from you?" He asked suddenly as you stared at him shocked. Why was he saying this out of nowhere?
"Would that make you stop crying?" He asked again. He looked like he was sad. Like something... sad thoughts were roaming in his head.

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