'Well he also told me about volleyball'


'Yeah like how you were in it in high school, telling me how good of a blocker you were, how you were one of the reasons you got to nationals or something'

He chuckled a breathy laugh.

'Yeah, or something...'

He smirked and fell back laying down on the bed.



Yamaguchi yelled as you rushed to grab your jacket. Kiyoko and Yachi stood there patiently. Yamaguchi sighed as he grabbed your bag and put in your phone, headphones, charger, and other things he thought were useful. 

'Okay, okay to the elevator!'

You got there and sighed as you fixed your hair.

'Y/n, selfie!'

You looked to Kiyoko and you were to surprised to do anything.

'NO wait delete that!'

You tried to grab the phone but she already saved it.


'Well we're here kids'

'Yams.. no'

You all got out the car and made your way inside. You grabbed some snacks on your way in. Yachi saw one stand and immediately ran over to it. 

'4 onigiris please!'

'Coming right up'

He smiled as he recognized the three and you stood there like an idiot.

'Who's he?'

'Someone we played against in high school'

'oohhh okay'

He checked the time and semi-panicked.

'Shit the game is gonna start soon hurry'

She grabbed the Onigiris and ran to get seats.

The game stated, you were watching the ball fly over the net, hit the floor, heard the cheering. None of that really mattered. What mattered was the look on Tsukishima's face when they got a point, you cheered. Tsukishima had saw you when the other team called a timeout. You were talking with Yachi and he smiled.


The drums were beating, the crowd was cheering. You smiled and told them you were going to be right back. Once you left the stands you ran down the stairs, jumping 2 or 3 steps down. You got to the doors. You smiled when you saw Tsukki. He was a sweaty mess. You were going to run to him but two security guards blocked you.

'Ma'am I'm sorry you don't have access here'

'What? My boyfriend is right there, he just won his match and I can't congratulate him?'

'Miss for all we know you could be a crazed fan'

You looked at the guard, offended. You sighed and got out your phone.

'You see that? That's him'

You called the number you showed the guards. One looked back at Tsukki and saw him grab his phone. 


'Yeah, look to your left'

He looked and saw two big guys in yellow jackets holding you back. He hung up and walked over.

'What're you doing?'

'Sir we were trying to make sure she wasn't a crazed fan or something worse'

'Next time just bring her to me'

He grabbed his towel and patted himself dry again before grabbing you. He wrapped his arm around you and pushed through the guards. Two of the players made their way over to you and him.

'Tsukki who's this? Your girlfriend?'

'Yeah, as a matter of fact, she is'

'Damn well, hi Tsukki's girlfriend I'm Koganegawa and this is Kyotani'

'We all played against each other in high school'

'Oh well nice to meet you, I'm Y/n'

'Where'd you go to highschool?'

'Well to this school called Nekoma'

'Huh?! Nekoma?!'


'Wait but you acted like you didn't know nekoma when we talk about it'

'Well I didn't really pay attention to the volleyball team, I forgot we had one if I'm being honest'

'Did you know anyone on the team?'

Koganegawa asked, you thought back and realized you knew one person.

'Yeah this short kid, soft-spoken, dyed blonde hair...uhm'


Kyotani said, you gasped softly.

'Yeah that was his name, we still game with each other on occasion'

'That's so cool! You know him he's like wealthy and a twitch streamer right now'

'oh wow, I didn't know'

Tsukishima checked the time.

'Well we better get going'

'Bye! Bye y/n! See you next game?'

'For sure, bye'

You waited for Tsukishima by the door. Once he was ready he intertwined his fingers with yours and you glared at the guards when walking passed them.

'I'm definitely coming to your next match, I love watching you play'

'I loved seeing you cheer for me'


Yachi waved to you two and you all walked. The sun hit you all, golden hour. You took in a deep breath. You looked up whilst walking.

'It's beautiful out..'

Tsukishima looked up but then at you. He saw the stars in your eyes and smiled softly.

'yeah.. beautiful..'







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