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'Y/n! We wanted to--'

'Where is she?'

'I don't know, she was here'

'Maybe she went into the woods? Or maybe with the dogs?'

They all ran through the house trying to find her. Along with the staff. It turned out you were in the little house your parents had made for you. Though, none of them knew this at the moment. Everyone searching and Tsukishima asked one of the staff if there was anywhere else. They answered the house and he walked there.

'God if she got kidnapped on her own property..'

He said to himself as you went though the door.

'Y/n, you here?'


You said and he climbed up a ladder to see you in the loft, with a sketchbook and other things opened. He looked up to the ceiling and saw it had a latch to go to the roof, and the walls painted by you, your mother, and father. He saw sketched drawn on papers all over the walls when he looked around.

'You drew all of this?'

'Well yeah, Only thing that wasn't me was the flowers in the corners, two by my mom, two by my dad and if you look directly up...'

You looked up and so did he. You both looked and saw your favorite flower and surrounded by the same your parents had drawn.

'Hm cute, anyway we all thought you were kidnapped or something, we were all looking for you'

'Even you?'

'Well I am your supposed boyfriend'

'True it would look weird if you didn't'

'Okay then let's go back'

You said and went to the door. You looked back to Tsukishima, to see him standing in place.

'What's up with you? Constipated?'

'What? No, I'll text them we can stay here'

He said and sat down, he looked at you and saw you were confused why he didn't want to go back. He sighed and explained

'My legs hurt, they made me go up and down your whole fucking house, plus it's tiring acting like I care about you'

You snorted at his smart ass joke, when in reality he was said the opposite of the truth. You sat down on the beanbag chair and basically felt a relief when you sat down. He texted Yamaguchi and he told everyone. They all left to the little cabin like house and was followed by your pets who eventually ran away.

'Y/N L/N'

[add a middle name if you have one]


'If you go off like that one more time I will not hesitate to make you clean the dorm for the next month'

'Okay jeez'

The others just thanked that you were safe and everyone sat down somewhere. They all sat down and talked about what they would like to do on there final day tomorrow before heading back. You were enthralled in the conversation between the other girl about where they would go and such. Tsukishima was on his phone and Yamaguchi was smiling at him. He could feel him staring and asked him why he was.

'Oh nothing you just seemed worried, I haven't seen you worried in a long time'

'I wasn't worried'

'You looked up and down the house and went through every room, you even asked the staff, and you found her, if that isn't worried than I must be stupid'

'Whatever, why don't you go worry about Yachi'


Tadashi said a little to loudly and they girls looked at him. He laughed and smiled awkwardly while apologizing. They went back to their conversation.


You were all walking back. You guys were all outside. Yachi had gotten tackled by one of your dogs and you were playing fetch with your other one. Yachi had ended up giving belly rubs. Haru and ran inside to ask for beer. 

'Hey! Ma'am! Do you have some beer?'

'Yes, would you like some?'

'Yes please some for everyone!'

Haru said and went with the lady to get the beer. Everyone had gotten their own but Haru insisted for everyone to get another one, then they ended up playing truth or dare. Yet now it was with shots.

'Okay Haru, truth or dare'

'Hm dare'

'I dare you to dare someone'

At this point everyone was pretty drunk and had few common sense left. Haru, however, was completely gone. She didn't know what she was doing. She had the most out of everyone but she was barely slurring.

'I dare...Tsukishima! To play 7 minutes in heaven with Y/n'


'Why not, it's just another make out session, You're dating, what's the problem?'

He sighed and you smiled and spoke out.

'Well if he doesn't want to then we can just take a shot'

'TWO SHOT! One for Haru because the dare wasn't completed and one for yourself'

Yachi stated, thinking it made sense, Kiyoko agreed and Yamaguchi smiled at the chaos his dare had caused.

'I'm sure Tsukki is just shy, he's never do anything like that'

He laughed and smirked to himself and Tsukishima looked at him with a drunken deadpan face. He sighed, not wanting to take another two shot but not wanting to do the dare. 

'I'm going to kill myself'

He rolled his eyes and grabbed your hand as he walked to the closest room. You sat down as he locked the door, so they wouldn't just pop in. 


'We don't have to do anything, y'know'

He stood at the door, his head resting on it and his hand still on the knob. He contemplated not wanting to do anything and the drunken urge to do something. He sighed and sat down next to you.

'You do know that right?'


'We don't gotta do anything you don't want'

You repeated to yourself at this point. He looked at you. His face with red-ish cheeks and a lazy eyes. He leaned but kept on backing up. Until you finally did something and kissed him. He was surprised by the sudden move. Yet easily melted into the kiss. At that moment you both blacked out didn't remember anything.

[ I can't write shit like this for the life of me, please don't expect anything to good TvT ]

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