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You woke up early, tried. You had a split second of peace before remembering the events of last night. You groaned, wondering why you felt like this, why HE felt like this. I mean surely you didn't have real feelings for him. You got a knock on the door but didn't respond.

'Y/n! It's Tadashi'

A muffled voice said.

'I'm coming in'

He said and walked in slowly. He waited at the door and saw you still in bed.

'Okay so, what happened with Tsukki?'

He said as he closed the door and walked towards one off the chairs.

'I don't know...'


'He came in here wanting to talk and he ended up saying that we should stop 'this' once I'm done with my project for my art class'

'Talk about what?'

'What happened when we were drunk... Look we have to get packed, were going back to campus today'

'We have all day to pack, you guys made out and he wanted to talk about it but he said that instead?'

You nodded as you grabbed your bags and put your clothes in them.

'Y/n has it ever occurred to you that you might like him?'

'No... Because he set the rule of no feelings so none'


'But MAYBE i do... just a little bit... UGH feelings are so complicated'

You said as you turned and threw yourself face down on the bed.

'Okay so has it occurred that he might be pushing away so he doesn't hurt himself if you reject him?'

'No... It didn't'

You looked up and rested your head in your palms. 

'I've known the guy since we were kids, he's not great with expressing himself with his thought and feelings, that's why the bastard is so sarcastic and distant'


You said and threw a close pillow into the wall.

'Please calm down'

'I know I should be calm but he's so fucking frustrating!'

'Tell me about it'

You laughed sarcastically and rolled over.

'What should I do?'

'Tell him before he never talks to you again'

'Okay... ugh man is so irritating though...'

Tadashi laughed reassured you that he knew what a pain in the ass he was.


The day went on and you and Tsukishima basically avoided each other. Haru pulled you aside along with the other girls while they were putting the bags into the car.

'Y/n... Did you and Tsukishima get into a fight?'


'Well you guys haven't talked all day... So we kinda just figured'

'I mean we sorta did, I really don't wanna talk about it'

'It's okay, you don't have too'


'You can ride with us if you'd like, girl in one, boys in the other'

You nodded and went to go grab your last bag. You had a brief second of eye contact with Tsukishima. You tried to say something but he walked away before you could. You groaned and grabbed your bag. 

'He's acting like a child'

You put your bag and sat in the front seat. The whole time Haru was blasting music you all could sing to. You basically had a jam session. In the car in front of you, the radio on, no talking. Tadashi sighed and waved one hand in front Tsukki's face.


'Stop blocking your feelings out and tell Y/n how you feel'


'Why not?'

'She doesn't have feeling for me, I made one rule and she's following it'

He groaned and Tsukishima looked at him confused.

'Besides I said we stop this when she's done with her project'

'So just ask her out to see if she'll say yes on the last day'

The blonde thought about it and shook his head.


'What's the worst that could happen? She says no, okay you'll never see her again'

He rolled his eyes at the blonde and Tsukki didn't want to continue the conversation.

'If she says yes then, Great! You're dating for real now'

'She's not gonna date me, she doesn't like me'

'God she already told me--NEVER MIND'

Tsukishima looked at him and glared.

'You're going behind my back and telling her, that's so like you trying to set people up. What did she even say?'

'Nope! I'm not going behind anyone's back and telling you what she said'

'Tell me'

'I told her that has it ever occurred that she might like you'

'And what did she say??'


'Tell me'

'NO but then I told her that has it ever occurred to her that you might like her'

'You fucking told her that I like her?!'

'NO I DIDN'T SAY THAT! I just don't wanna get murdered for what I really said'

'What did you say, Tadashi'

'Mm-mm, I not telling you!'

'Say it, I'll figure it out because Y/n's a loose cannon---'


Tsukishima sat there in silence not knowing how to respond. He tried retorting but he ended up not saying anything. He sat there in thought with his headphones on. Yamaguchi was scared thinking he might kill him in his sleep. Tsukishima was just re-contemplating his life again.

You guys were still singing your hearts out to various artists.


'We're here~!'

Haru said as she parked and jumped out to stretch and breath in that campus air. You sighed and covered your eyes and the setting sun. You walked a few steps to get out the sun and stood next to Tsukki. You looked as you felt the presence and it was a awkward seconds before you went to grab your bags from the trunk. He sighed and went to grab his.

You all got to your dorms and you and Haru both laid down right away, not bothering to put anything away. A good nap was all that was needed at the moment.

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