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We can meet up around 3 and get
 started that would be great!


Once you got a response you headed over to a vacant classroom. You texted him the room number and he headed over. You were already setting up the things you needed. You had your sketchbook opened to a clean page and now you were waiting. Once he showed up you offered a snack and then started working right after.

'Thank you so much, oh my god, you are a lifesaver'

Once you took a break, Tsukishima snooped through all your sketches. He was impressed by how good they were, though he would never admit.

'What made you take up art?'

You looked at him with a mouth full of food. Once you swallowed it down you told him the reason.

'Well my mom is a model and loves drawing and my dad is a photographer and her also loves drawing, I don't know they wanted me to go into modeling or be a fashion designer but eh, I chose art'

'Okay, why didn't ask a friend to be your model?'

'I don't have any friends, I never really had any'

'I wonder why..'

'What's that supposed to mean?'


After that short conversation you got back to drawing.


You checked the time and it was already around 5.

'How about we stop here'


'You don't like talking, do you?'

'Well if you ask any of my friends they would say I'm sarcastic and cold, no one really wants to talk to me either way'

'And what's with these headphones?'

You put on the headphones he had placed on the table.

'They were a gift'

'From who?'

'My brother'

'Aww sweet, wait he's not like dead or anything?'

'No were just not that close anymore'

'Oh okay then, is he your only sibling?'

'Yeah, you got any?'

'Nope, my mom said why mess with perfection when the first one was great'

🗸 Kei Tsukishima x F!Reader | The ProjectWhere stories live. Discover now