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'What should I do..'


'My mom, she wants to meet my friends and all but like she can be embarrassing'

'Well can you tell her to tone it down? Or to be a little more calm'

'Please I say something like that I'm might get off her will'

Your roommate laughed, thinking you were joking. She saw your face and rolled her eyes.

'Well how about you try to get her out of the house?'

'Well I could tell dad to make a photo shoot during that time..'

'Or like she meets them but then it's time for the photo shoot?'

Y/n nodded at the idea and called her dad. She explained and asked him if he could set it up. He happily agreed knowing how she acts.

'Yeah, next week...? I think I could book her, plus her photo shoots run late'

'Awesome, you're a life saver dad'

'Yeah I'll try and find someone, bye'


He hung up and you sighed in relief.

'Wait so how does you house look like? Do you have any pets?'

'I mean I already told you, it's like a normal house, with a lot of land surrounding it, I have a few dogs and a cat.. a lot of animals wonder onto their land so we have lots of burrows and little houses made for them. plus my mom wanted a green house'

'Did she make you anything on the land?'

'Well she made me a treehouse when I was younger, and she made a little shed thing but it's not a shed, y'know?'

'Like a second house shed?'


'Ooo! Do you have a pool'

'We didn't but she had one made while I was here'

'And you haven't gone in it?'

'No, man why she gotta do it while I was away'

You pouted with a mad expression and your roommate laughed.

'She wrong for that'

'For real, and I bet her and the rest of them there have already swam in it'

'Even your staff?'

'Oh yeah, my mom always lets them do that, she even helps them cook and clean when she's home'

'She seems nice though'

'She is just, she says a lot of things'


🗸 Kei Tsukishima x F!Reader | The ProjectWhere stories live. Discover now