26. Denise (Double Update)

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Hannah could hear Daryl's heavy breath as she crouched below him, Denise still laying dead in her hands.

"You got something to say to me?" The man taunted, "You gonna clear the air? Step up on that high horse? No, you don't talk much."

The man nodded his head, signaling to the other men to get the group's weapons. A larger man with a rifle walked up to Hannah, a smirk drawn on his face.

"Come on, get up little girl," He looked down at Denise, "She ain't going nowhere." As Hannah stood, slowly, she could smell the stench coming off of the man. It was worse than anything she had smelled before. Worse than the smell of the apothecary. Worse than the smell of the storage closet. He drew closer to her and it became stronger. Hannah grimaced as his hands patted her sides, squeezing as they went along.

"Hey," Rosita warned the man.

"It's fine," Hannah said softly, her body tense.

The man finished, pulling the knife from Hannah's belt, and smiled at Rosita "Yeah, it's fine."

"Hey, Jim," The man patting down Daryl spoke, "What's in her pocket there?"

Hannah froze. She could feel Daryl's eyes on her.

"Let's see shall we?" The man was almost giddy as he said it, seeing the fear on Hannah's face, "Whatchu got there little girl?"

Slowly, the man reached his hand into Hannah's left pants pocket, feeling around for what had made the protrusion. Hannah shut her eyes, breathing as slowly as possible. It felt like ages that the man stood in front of her, his stench stronger than before. Finally, he pulled away. In his hands, as Hannah had feared, were the three lipsticks she had stashed while at the apothecary.

The man laughed, mockingly.

"D, look at this," He tossed the tubes to the man holding Eugene. 'D'.

D caught the tubes in one hand, inspecting them with a smirk. He chuckled to himself before looking at Hannah.

"You got someone you wanna get pretty for, hun?"

Hannah looked away.

"I shoulda done it," Daryl spoke, malice heavy in his voice.

"Oh, what's that?" D said, throwing the lipsticks to the side "Seriously, I didn't catch what you said."

"I shoulda killed you," Daryl repeated, staring D down.

"Yeah. You probably should've," D paused, "So here we are, kinda begs the question, right? Who brought this on who? I mean, I get that you'll just have to take my word for this, but she wasn't even the one I was aiming for. It's nothing personal"

As D continued to speak, Hannah could see Eugene looking over into the woods at something she couldn't quite see.

"What do you want?" Rosita asked D.

"I'm sorry, darlin', I didn't catch your name," He taunted, "I'm D, or Dwight. You can call me either." Dwight waited for a response, "So? What's your name?"

"Rosita," she said sharply, "What do you want?"

"Well, Rosita," Dwight said, mockingly, "It's not what I want. It's what you and Daryl," He paused, "and this random little girl you brought with you, are gonna do. You're gonna let us into your little complex. It looks just beautiful in there, you know. And then you're gonna let us take whatever, and whoever we want," Dwight reached down, shaking Eugene's shoulders as he spoke, "Or we blow Eugene heres brains out. Then the girl's. Then yours. And then his." Daryl's face was stone as Dwight spoke, "I hope it doesn't come to that, really. Nobody else has to die. We just try and start with one, that's it. You know, maximum impact to get our point across," Eugene's breathing began to pick up, "So, what's it gonna be? You tell me."

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