08. RUSSIAN ROULETTE (continued)

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Shrishti's POV:

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Shrishti's POV:

I unsheathed my little knife. As soon as we turned the corner of the corridor there was a line of guards. I coyly hid the knife behind my dress.

"Я могу вам чем-нибудь помочь? (May I help you?)" one guy asked. I smiled.

"Да, на самом деле. Не могли бы вы спасти свои жизни и ускользнуть, облегчив нам путь? (Yes, actually. Would you save your lives and slip out making the way easier for us?)" I said taking confident struts toward them. The man instantly pulled out his knife.

Having guns in a residential area puts you under suspicion. Hence why none of these guards here have a gun. He lunged at me, I suspended my knife mid-air before catching it in my palm and stabbing the guy in his lung. He fell, short of breath and blood. All the others started lunging at us. Reena used her fists.

I was left utterly impressed when she took out five men only by a hand-to-hand fight. At least she did twenty-five percent of the job. I walked past the fifteen I had taken out. I wiped my bloody hand against a red curtain at one of the doors.

"Could we not have dealt with that more calmly?" Reena sighed wiping her knuckles with the same curtain. I shot her a small smirk. She let out a small grin too. We advanced to Igor's room.

I stood guard while Reena picked the lock to the room. Another guard came running. Maybe someone turned on the alarm. He threw a punch at me. I ducked and his fist collided with the wall. I grabbed his knife from his belt and jammed it into his neck. The second guy made sure he put his knife out of my reach. He lunged at me with it. I dodged it barely. There was a bleeding cut just below my collarbone.

I crashed my head into the man's nose. He reeled back holding his nose. Kicked him in his diaphragm. He fell back. I grabbed the vase and dropped it on his head. Well, that should keep him down for a while if not forever.

"You are gruesome" Reena sighed.

"I gotta be. Are you done?" I asked and Reena replied by pushing the door ajar. We stepped into the room. It was dark.

We found the lights and the moment light filled our vision was the moment our minds shut down. My breath hitched.

It was...Igor?

He sat there with a gun in his hand. He smiled sinisterly at us. If he is here. Who the hell is at the party?

"You are one beautiful lady." He said and I don't know who that was implied for. I tried getting my hand to my gun tucked in the folds of my dress.

"Don't" He said and pointed the gun at me. "You wouldn't want to do that." He turned on a little device in his hand and put earpieces malfunctioned. We tore it from our ears.

"Who are you?" I asked gasping at the sudden shock my ear got due to the malfunction.

He just smirked at shot at me. A small syringe bullet stuck my neck and almost instantly my head started spinning. He shot again at Reena. We collapsed on the floor. Igor...or the man who he is, took my earpiece and spoke.

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