Chapter 6: Back at base

Start from the beginning

Andy: "AP-Shot Machine Gun!" he yelled.

Concentrated rapid-firing explosions erupted from Luna's palm and acted as Luna's way of fighting back since his riggings were actually too big to fit inside the cab of his engine. Suddenly flak erupted around Purifier, Luna looked forward as he passed the signal box that signaled he was home free, but weirdly the Manjuu manning the box was waving frantically at the Frigate.

Purifier: "Well, I guess our little charade ends here Commander." she said, "Til next time then."

Purifier portalled away so Luna then had another thing on his mind, what was that Manjuu trying to tell him? He got his answer when his engine lurched violently to the right. The points had been set to the tramway that went through the base and looking forward he saw nearly every Ironblood ship just mulling about on the tracks.

Andy: "Oh no...." he said.

On main street the shipgirls were just enjoying life under their new commander, in the streets Spee and Deutschland were talking with each other.

Deutschland: "Spee, even though this man has been good so far, who knows how he actually is." she said.

Graf Spee: "I know that Deutschland, but still...." she trailed off.

Deutschland groaned knowing she couldn't dissuade her younger sister's crush on the new guy.

Deutschland: "Look Spee, I like him too but unless he has an accident and he takes full responsibility for it in the next few day-" she's cut off when a familiar voice and whistle is heard.

Andy: "LOOK OUT!!!" he yelled

Everyone on the street turned to look and to their horror they saw the E2 tank engine of their commander flying down the tramway towards them with sparks flying from its wheels.

Andy: "GET OUTTA THE WAY!!!" he yelled.

Wisely everyone on main street got out of the way as the Tank Engine flew down the line. It rounded a sharp corner and leaned onto 3 wheels still whistling fit to burst, it stayed on the rails of course but fell down a steep incline and down to the docks.

Graf Spee: "Does that work?" she asked.

Deutschland could only grumble.

Meanwhile another sharp curve awaited the train as it flew down the rails, Luna wisely decided to jump out while he could and the E2 flew off the tracks and onto its side, trucks full of steel spilled their cargo everywhere as they joined the engine on their sides or in pieces.

Andy: "Ow....." he groaned.

(Stop music if it hasn't already ended here)

After everything settled the U-Boats that had been waiting for the train to arrive immediately bolted to help their commander to the infirmary.

U-556: "Kommandant!" she yelled.

U-73: "Oh god!" she yelled, "Quickly! Let's get her to the infirmary!"

U-110: "Right!" she yelled.

The trio of submarines then picked up Luna and brought him to the infirmary where some of the others helped bandage him up.

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