7.The first day private tutoring.

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A new day, new pain in the ass from school. Taehyung was on his was to his school yet again with no desire. He would read a book on his way but for today he diced to hear some music because he didn't have the energy to hear or deal with people. He didnt know why he didnt have energy for anyting, even the last days he didnt want to read, no, he wanted to read, he just couldn't and he wonders why.

When he arrived at his school he was approached by a teacher. He immediately took his earbuds out and looked at the teacher „good morning sir"

„Good Morning Mr Kim. May i have a talk with you?"

Taehyung nodded of course „what's wrong sir? Did i do something?" he asked a little bit worried.

„ ah never Mr Kim, you are an top student so no worry's and thats why i am here, i have a student in my class that is failing and since i know that you're are really good at any subject i wanted to ask if you would like to tutor my student"

Taehyung looked unfazed at the teacher, he didnt want to do it, not at all, but he could say that „sir, with all the respect but... can't your ask someone else? I dont think that i am a good teacher."

„Come on Mr Kim, you are the best student that i know, this little kid could use a lot of help, and dont worry, you will get payed by his parents."

Taehyung raised his brows „get payed?"

„Yes, that kids parents dont want that the kid fails, so please Mr Kim" The teacher pleased.

Taehyung sighed and nodded" ok, good i will do it. In which subject?"

Teacher smiled „good! Thanks oh and maths"

Taehyung sighed again „of course it was maths. Ok sir and which student?"

„Jeon Jungkook. I will talk to him and say that he should wait here for you after school ok?" The teacher asked Taehyung

„Wait wait i have to tutor him starting today??"

„Yes Mr Kim, is there a problem?"

„no.. no sir, there is not" Taehyung looked away and sighed again.

„Good then have a nice day at school" the teacher said and then went away.

Taehyung looked after him and then rolled his eyes, he wanted to put back his ear buds but someone already talked to him.

„That was a pretty long talk Tae, what did he want?" it was Jimin. He walked to Taehyung and looked the way where the teacher went.

„Oh morning Jimin, he said i should tutor one Stunde."

„ oh and who?" Jimin said as he looked at him.

„ i dont know, Someone named Jeon Jungkook or so."

Jimins eyes widen „kookie?? He's failing a class?? Which one?" Jimin and Jungkook wer writing after that day almost every hour, because Jungkook wouldn't stop writing with him but Jimin didn't mind, he didn't mind it at all.

„ you know him? How? And maths" he said ne started walking again.

Jimin followed him „ah i met him... in the toilet" jimin said and he knew how weird that must've sound like.

Taehuyng looked at him but then straight ahead again „ okk? Weird but i don't care, i dont want to help that kid"

„Then why did you say yes?" jimin asked him as he looked at Taehyung.

„I dont know, dont get on my nerves" Taehyung went faster ahead, and jimin just looked at him confused to the max..

They both sat down on their seats and that was it all, they didnt talk like they used to. And the bad thing is neither of them cared. It was like they both grew apart of each other.

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