Chap 11

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Did Chay see Kim? Yes he most definitely did.But was he gonna pay attention to him? No.He was talking to his beautiful mother, about life in general.Uncle Korn had let her out after uncle Gun died so she can go shopping with me too!

P'Kim decided to step in quietly and told mom he would steal me away from her?

He then brought me to the dining room, grabbed a donut with a napkin and gave it to me.
"Eat.The rest of these are for you.I know you enjoy sweets but remember to drink water.These are abit heaty"P'Kim said

I stared wide eyed at the pastries box in front of me.There were at least 25?30 pastries inside? As P'Kim walked out the door, I thanked him and he just nodded in understanding.

After eating a few of the pastries,I brought it to my room and left it in the fridge.Turning around to plop of my bed,my eyes widened at the bags of plushies on the side on my bed's floor .Did P'Kim get it? Or was it p'khun? No p'khun never left the house.

I slowly unboxed it to see all of my favourite types of plushies there.Wow , P'Kim really did remember what I liked.

Author's note
I'm sorry this chapter is abit dry and I think I won't be updating this for a while so sorry but u can check out my twitter @JaeyJaey:) which I'll be posting one shots or aus when I can:) again I'm so sorry I won't be updating this for a while

Kimchay:An alternate endingWhere stories live. Discover now