The dinner

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Kim's Pov
I felt a gaze on me .Looking up subtly from my phone , my dearest Chay was staring at me with curious? Loving ? Eyes.I don't know why but I felt a flutter in my cold stone heart.Yes.A fucking flutter.

Chay's Pov
I see P'Kim looking up subtly thinking I wouldn't notice .He looked at me with loving? Eyes which I felt crept out with.
After that song, like I said I forgave him but still ignored him.He made constant efforts to send red gardenias to my house or rather the main house but to my door.Only p'khun and phi know.I mean p'pete knows it too since he's p'khun's head guard so...
Anyways yep I was thinking how to get back at him.All I heard was some adult talk that I could care less about considering it didn't really concern me?

Narrative pov
"I was thinking of Chay being the emcee? " Phi nudged me bringing me out of my daze."huh?" I echoed out. "We were talking bout you being the emcee for your dearest  phi's wedding you little shit." Phi said. "Oh.Yep I'm fine with that but do I need a script or?"
Phi shook his head as if saying no and just told me to wing out but prepare a script if needed. P'khun offered to help and I gladly appreciated .They didn't really bother me anymore thankfully and I ate in silence while P'Kim was on his phone.

After the dinner shit, I went back to my room to gather my thoughts.Was I gonna be able to accept P'Kim again? Will he hurt my heart again? My thoughts were interrupted by knocking . I could hear p'khun's wailing outside about how the door is locked . Welp, thankfully he came ,I needed someone to talk to !
I shuffled my way to unlock the door and let p'khun and his bodyguards p'arm and p'pol in.

Author's note
I'm sorry I haven't updated , I been overwhelmed with results and stuff so sorry .Hope y'all enjoyed this short chapter .I'm sorry it's so short but it's currently 5 am and I can't sleep so this is for you guys❤️.love y'all❤️❤️❤️❤️

Kimchay:An alternate endingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora