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Present Pov
After hearing multiple gunshots,the noise died down indicating that the fight was over.Chay stood up after finishing the game and looked around,horrified that there were so many bodies.With trembling hands, he called Yok.

"P'Y-yok, uhh I think people tried to get me and P'Kim fought them ,but now there's dead bodies in your bar.Chay tried to say in a calm manner.Closing up the bar was what Yok told him to do .Outside the bar in broad daylight,he saw Kim sitting on the stairs smoking.Saying he was shocked was an understatement.He knew they did shady business but smoke? Chay was not liking the sound of this.

He walked silently down the stairs stopping before Kim and thanking him.With his cheeks red,he bolted home forgetting all about the bodies in the bar and the dye in his hair.Leaving a stunned Youngest Theerapanyakul there.

Reaching home,the first thing he did was to get the dye out as he remembered.
Well his home was at the main house so he did get stares from the bodyguards but could give no shits bout them .After showering,he came out wondering what would happen if he called p'Kim.

He decided against it .After all,he still hadn't fully forgiven him yet.He sat in his room staring into space when all of a sudden,his phoned beeped.

It was p'Kim. He decided to ignore and block that number.Who knew the next day, he would get something shocking.

Author's note
This is the other part I was talking about:) it's not the best from all others fanfictions I've read but it's my own twist to it I guess :)

Kimchay:An alternate endingWhere stories live. Discover now