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Fan woke up to the panic of everyone in the hotel searching for microphone, he stretched and walked to get some breakfast.  While he poured himself a bowl of cereal, he heard the front door of the hotel slam open. Fan decided to go check It out.

Test tube had a stern expression as she held microphones lifeless body. Soap ran up, tears flooding from her eyes
"She's not dead.. right? Tell me she's not dead, please. We were gonna.. what about our plans?" The last part came out as barely a whisper.

Test tube looked at soap, hesitant to say anything.
"I'm sorry."
She pushed her way through the newly formed crowd and went to meet oj

"I need to find out how mic died"

"Well, I bet she'll be back any day now, cause of mephone..but you're right. I'll clear out a new room for her autopsy."
Oj led her to a room so she could help clear it. The real problem was where to put microphone, her body had to be a bit cold, so it wouldn't rot.
Oj moved in a big table and covered it with a plastic cloth

"Thanks oj, I'll take it from here."
Test tube sat mic on the table and watched as oj left.

She took off microphones clothes to look at the stabs in her back. They went down to the bone.  Test tube sighed as she grabbed the scalpel to look deeper.

Nothing seemed wrong with the body.. except for some of her bones. Her spine had scrapes on it, but that wasn't the odd thing. Microphone had a broken rib, at first test tube thought it was from falling, but mic fell backwards, she was faced up.
The only ways she could've gotten a broken rib were, the killer breaking it in their attack, or someone trying desperately to do cpr on her. Test tube noted that down, before looking at the body again.

Fan sat among the others, waiting for the autopsy, and for someone to find out the killer. Obviously fan knew, but he just decided his perfect suspect would be to blame it on taco, of course, nobody believed him, said he was crazy.. but nobody suspected him either.
"Well.. who all hated her?" Knife questioned

"Let's see.. " fan thought about a list, but left himself and test tube out of it.
"Dough.. he's dead though.. Cheesy? Taco, nickel. I think that's it."
Fan shrugged.

Knife wrote down the names
"Well. Let's get to questioning."

Fan and knife decided to interrogate cheesy first, but they needed the autopsy report first. The two impatiently waited until test tube came out with a couple copies of a report, she looked distraught.

NAME: microphone
GENDER: cisgender, female
CAUSE OF DEATH: blood loss
TIME OF DEATH: 12:30-2:00 am
WEAPON: a knife, not found yet.
EXTRA: ribs were broken, either from killer or someone trying to revive

They quickly took a copy and ran off to find cheesy.

Fan insisted that they had to be dramatic, so he had knife blindfold cheesy before taking him to the basement, which had one singular light hanging from it's cold ceiling .

Knife took off the blindfold and cheesy looked around the room.

"Woah, this is really the best you could do? You really couldn't have done any cheddar?" Cheesy slapped his knee and smiled

Fan cleared his throat and started recording his conversation.
"Cheesy, where were you at 12:30?"

"I was sleeping in my room, troph's a light sleeper, so he'd know if I was gone."

"Did you at any point yesterday, take a knife and keep it?"

"That's oddly specific, but, no. Brie-leave it or not, I'm afraid of sharp things " he slapped his knee

Fan sighed
"You're free to go."

Next was nickel, he bit knife when he tried to kidnap him, so no dramatic reveal for this one, which made fan a bit upset.
After sulking for a split second, fan cleared his throat
(Posting part two of this in a bit, kinda like, in a possible school shooter situation😁😁)

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