Start from the beginning

"yeah." ian agreed. the two approached the bar, sitting on the stools. sebastian sighed when the bartender asked for i.d. he pulled out his wallet and showed him the fake i.d he kept. 

"two shots of vodka." the noirette nodded.

 "i don't drink vodka." ian informed him. 

"i know you don't. these are for me, get your own shit, red." sebastian chuckled, taking both shots.

ian just shook his head before asking the bartender for a beer. "three more and a beer." sebastian said after getting the bartender's attention. 

"you trying to get fucked up or what?" ian chuckled, taking a drink from his beer.

 "yeah, pretty much." sebastian sighed, taking his shots. 

"do you remember kev and v's wedding?" ian wondered, looking over at the noirette. 

"nope. they're married?" sebastian wondered with furrowed brows.

 "i don't remember it either. lip told me we did a ton of shots and blacked out." the red head chuckled.

"sounds like accurate. can i get some tequila too?" sebastian asked the bartender.

 "tequila? you've got some weird taste." ian snickered, watching sebastian take the shot of tequila with a look of distaste. 

"yeah, well i'm dating you." sebastian shot back with a laugh, coughing slightly from the shot. 

"fuck off." ian shook his head. 

"you're the one who dragged me to some gay bar, literally the last place i wanna be. if i'm gonna be here, i'm getting drunk." sebastian revealed with a sigh, drinking his beer.

"know what's worse than tequila. jäeger." he chuckled, nodding towards the bartender.

 "that's gross." ian shook his head at sebastian.

 "yeah." the noirette cringed at the taste after downing the shot. 

"i'm bored already and wanna go home." sebastian huffed, looking over at his boyfriend.

 "fine. you wanna dance then?" ian wondered. 

"to this shit? thanks but no thanks." sebastian shook his head.

"you're an asshole, you know that yeah?" ian sighed exasperatedly. "mhm. you're the dickhead who's dating me." sebastian pointed out.

 "shot of whiskey." sebastian ordered another shot. 

"a little better." ian nodded. 

"better? whiskey's at the bottom of my list, red." sebastian looked at the shot with disgust. "now you're the one with bad taste." the noirette said before taking his shot. 

"yeah, well i'm dating you." ian repeated what the noirette said before.

 "asshole." sebastian scoffed.


SEBASTIAN GROANED AS HE WOKE UP. it was a stupid choice to drink as much as he did the night before. those guys who brought them into the bar did end up paying for the drinks and tried hooking up with the two — without success because sebastian kicked them in the dick and told them to fuck off. so the two were kicked out by the bouncer.

APOCALYPSE  ⇢ IAN GALLAGHER (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now