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27 ———— haircut

27 ———— haircut

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✧˚ · .

SEBASTIAN STOOD WITH IAN, both of them waiting underneath the l. sebastian just wanted to witness his boyfriend beating the fuck out of lip. sebastian was smoking a cigarette, sharing it with the red head. "lip's late." ian acknowledged, noticing how it was 15 minutes past 6.

"yeah." sebastian scoffed, taking a drag from the cigarette before passing it to ian. "he's probably with karen." seb shrugged, looking around to look for the dirty blonde. 

"there he is." sebastian pointed out lip walking towards them, catching ian's attention. the red head went to toss the half smoked cigarette on the ground to get stopped by sebastian. 

"yeah, i'm still smoking this." the noirette took the cigarette, putting it to his mouth.

"you're late. where that fuck you been?" ian spat, calling out to his brother. 

"just getting blown by some uh, pregnant skank, as you called her." lip responded.

 "because that's what she is." ian countered. lip swung, aiming to punch his brother just for ian to dodge it and shove lip to the ground.

sebastian just smiled, leaning back against one of the pillars to see how the fight pans out. the noirette watched as the two wrestled to the ground. he smiled when he saw ian kick the dirty blonde. he tossed the cigarette bud to the ground when he finished it, walking over when the two laid there on the ground.

he paused when ian started talking. "i'm sick of living in your shadow." the red head admit, laying on his back. 

"who the fuck's asking you to?" lip countered, his brows furrowed. 

"it's hard not to when all my clothes are hand-me-downs." ian argued. 

"yeah well it's not my fault i was born first or more handsome, or smarter." lip said in response.

"yeah that's bullshit." sebastian snickered, shaking his head at lip. 

"asshole." ian said to lip.

 "dickhead." lip responded. the two just laid there in silence for a few moments, both of them just trying to catch their breaths.

 "you guys wanna get a beer?" lip asked breaking the silence, looking over at ian and sebastian. 

"yeah." ian nodded, sebastian agreeing.

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