The Prophecy

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Okay okay I know, this chapter is LONG overdue. But I do have reasons! I wanted to finish another story first, plus I've been busy. If you don't know, I always know how I want my story to start, and how I want it to end. That means I know exactly how every book I write will end. However, I need to write about what comes after the beginning and before the end, which is the majority of the plot, and that can be very painstaking and obviously take a lot of time. On top of that, I want all of my books to be as great as they can, so most of the chapters I write go through tons (and I mean TONS) of revisions and even complete deletions and do overs. This chapter had at least 23 revisions and deletions. I will be trying to make a new chapter every month, and I do intend to keep that promise. I am so sorry again, and I will do better for you all. That's all, I hope you enjoy.


???'S POV

My motorcycle dies down as I hop off of it. I remove my helmet and shake off the sweat from my brow. A voice speaks from my ear piece.

"You should be 42 klicks southeast of the target, K. You need to protect her no matter what."

"I told you LD, I don't understand that slang." I respond. "Just talk nor-"


I sign. "Sorry, Boss, could you not use that slang, I don't understand it."

Boss sighs and speaks again. "Your 42 kilometers away, or 26 miles."

"Why didn't you just say that to begin with? That would've been much easier!" I ask.

"Because it sounds cool! Don't judge me!" Boss pouts.

"What's so special about the target anyway? I'm used to assassinating people, not being a personal bodyguard."

"She holds the key to saving the universe. That's all I was told, and that's all I'm telling you."

"Are you sure you don't know anything else?"

"Wh-whatever! Just go and find her!"

I sigh. "Copy copy." I put my helmet back on and rev my motorcycle, as I drive towards the ruined city. "I hope this paycheck is worth it."


I find myself in a space filled with darkness. I try to open my eyes, but I can't see. I try to move, but I can't. I hear a symphony of voices repeating the same words over and over again, until they merge and speak so loudly I feel my eardrums about to burst.

While eyes grow from ashes spread
From those whose sanity is long dead
The hands of time, preventing the end
With the girl who has the power to mend
Two shall be returned from the light
Key and sword shall join the fight
The man in the castle is the key
To make her whole and to make her see

I shoot awake, as those words drill into my mind. I look around and see no one there except for my new mechanical owl friend, Subaru, who is sleeping peacefully. Wait, I guess "sleeping" isn't the right term, since he is a robot after all, so I guess the right term would be "power saving mode"? Or maybe "sleep mode"? Now that I think about it, who made him? Whoever did so must have been extremely smart. How does he even function? Does he have a power source that needs to be charged, like a battery? I'm getting a headache just thinking about it.

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