Fleeting Dreams

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I'm sorry for this chapter being one of the shorter ones. But I still hope you enjoy reading!!



"You've somehow been delaying Omegaα's resurrection. But the real reason why Omegaα hasn't been resurrected yet is because Auburn's soul is still fighting. Ame, his soul can be returned. This fight isn't over."

"That's great! But we need to rescue Auburn's soul first."

Calli shakes her head. "There's a threat we have to deal with before even thinking of saving his soul. A threat that's much bigger right now."

"What do you mean?"

"Two beings known as Azathoth and Nyarlathotep are agents of Omegaα. They're trying to hasten it's revival by stealing the sanity of humans, turning them into what Mousey calls, Nyacolytes. That's why you see the city in a post-apocalyptic state."

I'm silent for a moment. "How do you think the others are doing?"

Calli remains silent. "I don't know, Ame. I just hope that everyone is okay."


It's been a year since the assault, and we lost. Ina, Zen and I went to The Ancient One's in an attempt to find a way to resurrect Coco and Rushia, but to no avail. But strangely, The Ancient One's offered to train us, which according to Ina, is something that they've never done before. The realm of the Ancient One's, called the Abyss, is in a separate dimensional plane. Time goes faster in the Abyss than it does in reality. A year in reality is equal to a million years in the Abyss, and we have been training nonstop since then.

"MYSTIC FIRE!" I summon a hailstorm of fire, conjured from my own mind. I hurl the fire at the ground, causing it to explode, then I take my chance and I summon my sword and rush Zen while she is disoriented by the blast. I slam her into the ground full force and have my sword up to her throat.The fight is over.

I get up and giggle. "Oh man, I thought I was gonna lose! Out of breath, and help Zen to her feet.

"You have won 13,960,871 of our battles, and I have won 13,960,870 of our battles. You took the tie breaker round." Zen says smiling.

"I think I can take you on now, Ina." I say with confidence.

"I doubt that." Zen says. "She has won approximately 70,691,869 battles between me and her and had won 80,201,791 battles between you both."

"Heheh, that's....a lot of numbers Zen." I laugh. "Well, I'm sure we have almost as many wins against her!"

Zen turned around and raised an eyebrow. "I have won approximately 13 of me and Ina's skirmishes. You have won 2."

I pout at the information.

"It's okay Kiara, the only reason why I have a lot of wins against you guys is because most of the fights at the beginning were over within a couple seconds. I'm on a losing streak, remember? Beating you both has become really hard!"

"Indeed, Priestess. The Pheonix and the Cyborg have both come a long way. But time is no longer on our side." The Ancient One's say. "The Strings of Fate are beginning to stir once again."

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