The Underworld

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QUICK NOTE: Before I continue, I would like to say italicized lines are Uraya speaking to Auburn in his head. I just wanna say thank you all very much for reading what I put out. Even if it's one person, I'm happy that you enjoy what I make. This will be the last chapter until I finish A Takamori Story. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas or Hanukkah and I hope you have a Happy New Year! So with that being said let's get into Chapter 2!

Most of the story is told from Auburn's POV unless it says otherwise. I hope you enjoy!!



After making it to Ame's plane, we decided to rest for the night. I find myself on the beach staring up at the stars.

"What the hell is going on? Who were those guys? What happened to me?" I mutter to myself as I look at my hand.

"Couldn't sleep either huh?" A voice says behind me.

"Oh hey Amelia." I say.

"Again, call me Ame." She states.

"Right. So Ame," I yawn. "How do you know about all of this stuff that's going on? Like the Prophecy of Bothnia."

"I'm a Detective. It's my * hic* job to look into these things. However, you've been watched for a very long time by myself and my boss. Your special. Or at least we think." She exclaims.

"Eh? What do you mean by that?" I ask. I don't understand. My head is spinning.

"I'm no ordinary detective. I find Myths. Gura, half shark, half human is such a Myth. So are the other three girls I mentioned earlier. And we believe that you are a Myth. Well, a new Myth. Let me explain. Most Myths are created by the gods. You know, the same power that brought about the universe? Yeah, them. There are two gods. Uraya, and one more whose name has never been recorded in human history. Uraya, was the goddess of light. The other one, was of darkness. The Myths were beings created from the gods to watch over humanity. But, overtime war enveloped the world. The gods were cast out of Earth and the Myths were stripped of their memories and lived new lives. A Myth hasn't been created in, well, a very very long time."

"So lemme get this straight; Myths are beings created from the gods to watch over humanity." I say.

"Mhm that's right." Ame states.

"And I presume Myths stopped being created because the gods were cast out of Earth?" I ask.

"That's correct." She says.

"So then, the fact that you think I'm a Myth might suggest that the gods have or are returning right?"

"My my my. Your smarter than you look." Ame says. "Anyways, let's continue this conversation another time and get some rest. We have a big journey tomorrow *hic*." She yawns.

And so, we go into the plane and fall asleep.


...Wake up young one.

...Wake up.


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