|Chapter 7|

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another chapter because we're all mentally ill. 



Today I have the stream with James Marriott at 12 p.m. I look at the time on my phone. 

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I yell IT WAS FUCKING 11:36 a.m.  I brush my teeth, throw on a corpse hoodie and some random ass pants. I run downstairs.

"why the fuck didnt you guys wake me up?" I ask rushing getting my shoes on, they look at the clock and quickly  turn the tv off, get their shoes on and wilbur grabs the keys (I dont know what day it is rn but were going to say its thursday because I think its been 5 days? Not sure but its thursday if I ever bring it up ok? IF YOU KNOW THE DATE THEN GO BY THAT BUT OSDMLKAMWDLKMW OK)


James time


we arrived at 12 : 15 p.m. oh well it was those pricks faults.

I walk alone to James's office wilbur and ranboo went to wilbur's office in the same building. I enter the office, and we start up stream shortly after.

"Hey guys!" I say to chat whilst james is doing the intro.


later on in da' stream


"WHAT IS THIS!" It was a picture of steve universe but me. 

"oh! Tubbo universe... Cause he thinks the world revolves around him." He says laughing clearly it was a joke but me being me I took it seriously. My smile dropped.

He laughs harder then  says,

"oh! You actually looked offended by that! It was a joke, it was a joke!" He says between laughs, I just laugh and play along.

"first off I dont think, I know"

"OH fuck off" He replies


after stream


"was that fun?" He asks spinning his chair to face me.

"yeah it was hilarious, except for how they make you notice certain parts of your body you didnt realize were wrong... I dont know. But its like the bit with your hairline." I say, I was talking about how they drew my body, it was either 'big' or really 'skinny.' Or how they drew my face or just anything! He laughs then says. 

"they'll always have opinions, or different humors. Or just something other people dont agree on, just something to be different. something to get the littlest bits of attention."

"yeah." I mutter.

"well I best be going now?" I say

"mhm bye! Wilburs office is ***" He says

"okay thank you." We say our goodbyes and I leave to go to wilburs office. I reach wils office finally and barge in, since his door is never locked.

"hey you guys ready?" I ask

"tubbo- Were streaming." wilbur says, I walk into the office more, it smelt like... never mind. I go to where wilbur and ranboo are, and wave frantically ate chat.

Guilt. |Tubbo angst|pt 2, to 'I Give Up'|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن