The girls stopped when they heard someone calling for them, Clara chuckled 'oh shit, isn't that your Johnny boy and his friend? Dylan!'

Clara pulled Jessica with her towards where the boys were 'what are you all doing out at this time?' she asked.

'We could ask you the same?' Noah laughed.

She shrugged 'snuck out? And you all.'

Dylan fixed his hat 'we are on a secret mission.' Snorting a laugh Clara asked 'What?'

Meanwhile Jessica exchanged a look with John, quietly saying a "hi" with a smile.

'It is a secret for the poets' Henry joined 'Hello.'

'Hello yourself, what poets? Are you guys sneaking out to be poets of what?'

John joined in 'We are doing exactly that I mean you both are welcome to join us if you would like?'

They all turned to John then back at the girls, were it allowed in their society to invite girls? Hey they had no rules. The girls exchanged a look 'No' Jessica whispered low.

Clara sighed looking at the guys 'Yeah sure!'

Jessica gave her friend the look of betrayal but she wasn't about to let her friend go alone so she said nothing and followed them staying by Clara's side. 'Have we met? I don't remember seeing him' said Clara to Dylan about Aiden.

'Oh this is my little brother, Aiden' Noah said happily.

'Hi' Aiden shyly said. Both girls smiled 'Hello, Aiden.'

'I like your name, Aiden' Clara said.

He just smiled with a nod.

They walked into the woods explain what the "dead poets society" was and what they exactly did. Jessica and John didn't say a word to each other just evidently glanced towards each other and gave small smiles.

'So you guys have been doing this since last year and no one noticed it?' Clara asked as they all entered the cave. They all nodded 'yes and that is to our luck, we almost got caught few times but we survived those hard days.'

Clara laughed at Dylan's response 'you do talk with emotions, Dylan'

'Well, of course I do. I am theater kid, everything is emotional with me.'

She gasped 'you are in theater? Oh gosh, me too!'

'No way! Are you?' Henry asked to which she nodded happily 'yes! I have been in theater since forever.'

'She is the best at it' Jessica finally said, Clara smiled at that 'you flatter me with that, stop it.'

'No I am serious' Jessica said praising her friend 'Clara is every theater teachers favorite student, she had done most of Shakespeare plays.'

'I feel like we could be such great friends if you like Shakespeare plays' Dylan exclaimed 'I wish we could do a play together but they will rather die than allow girls in Welton.'

'The downfall of Welton' Stanley sighed 'I think they are just scared that boys will be running behind girls instead of doing their school work.'

They all turned towards him to which he shrugged 'I mean he isn't wrong.' Noah laughed.

'Well how about you boys come to our school plays? We have like two to three plays every other year. It will be fun? Oh Dylan you can join us, they don't allow it for outside student to join in but I can get you in.'

'Breaking the rules, I like that' Henry chuckled.

'No, that's call abusing the power, Henry; I mean it is not bad to have theater kids doing a play together? We are creating art, that's all.'

Aiden might have said nothing in the meeting just like Jessica and Clara he sat there listening and watching the others read poetry, as Dylan mentioned it, it wasn't just poetry, they gave all in just reading, describing the words they were reading.

It looked like a scene from a book, where poets would give their all, their attention, their love; putting it all in the way they talked, everything said and showed their passion and love for poetry. Aiden would eventually move her gaze from one to another member, all of them had the look of praising their friend who stood in the middle of reading poetry, Henry was the one to have more energy with words; he'd eventually stop and explain mid poem about what he saw reading.

Meanwhile John; surprisingly seemed nervous but was funny with her words cracking jokes with each line of poem he read. Dylan being the theater kid that he was never missed a chance to make all his poems dramatic, as if he was acting all of the written words for them all.

Stanley was the confused reader, he just like Henry would explain his poems mid reading often causing the others to laugh and being proud of making them laugh but the other times he would say something out of the blue making them sit there and thing.

Noah, he was himself, no acts, and no explanation; but being the writer he was poetry seemed like the easiest to him, most of the times he wouldn't ever read just go with the words, he would also say some of the poems he wrote as a passing time. But to be honest, his poems were more than the ones you write when you are board.

By the end of the night they were chatting their way out of the cave, laughing together, after many nagging from Clara. Jessica decided to write her house number down for John, as they talked all the way.

Clara followed behind constantly checking on her friend as she and Dylan talked about Theater and plays. Henry followed behind them hands in his pockets; Noah noticed the small smirk Henry had painting on his lips staring at Clara. She's lucky to have someone look at her the way Henry was, a strange feeling caught it's was inside Noah's chest when Henry turned his gaze from Clara to Him. Noah smiled then walked beside him not saying a word.

Meanwhile Stanley explained to about the battery car he was working on, Aiden just listened to him talk and talk all the way to their dorms, he was glad to have group of friends that treated him like their equal and not their Noah's brother.

They welcomed him like their own.

That night four people didn't fall asleep, love affected them too much to sleep

O ME, O LIFE! (THE ORIGINAL DEAD POETS SOCIETY MEMBERS STORY)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora