Chapter 15

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Everyday John would sit outside for the ten minute break they get hoping to see Jessica pass by, just wanting to look at her one more time to no luck at all, he eventually saw some students pass by but she never was on sight.

April came quick and the coach had held a match for them. Just for that day John promised himself to put all his focus on the game, and indeed he did playing a solid great game that was leading his team towards wining the match against the other team of seniors.

Adrenaline rushed fast in his blood with each goal he scored one after another, He was unstoppable. Something his team really needed.

Ten more minutes left of the match and he had the ball with him, trying to run past the other team members John raised his attention for a split second towards the school gate that was visible from where the match was held.

And there he saw her standing beside other students outside of the gate staring right into the match; she had a confused look on her face, as if she was trying hard to understand who was winning and what was going on?

And just like that all his attention was back on Jessica-

Sean Dowson aimed right on John's left leg sending both him and John on the ground, face first John slammed his head hard on the ground, ten minutes were off and John passed out there, everything went black for him, the last thing he remember was his coach screaming that they won and Henry's fading voice calling for him.

'Is he okay?' Noah asked as he rushed towards John.

'Should we call an ambulance?' Stanley joined. Dylan bent down 'I think he hit his head hard.'

'Johnny boy?' Henry asked.

John woke up in the nurse room with a splitting headache, groaning he got up sitting on the bed still in his soccer gear. The nurse heard him waking so he made his way to John 'Oh look who's up' he said 'are you feeling any pain?'

John shrugged 'I have a headache what happened?'

'You feel on your head hard, let me check your eyes?' the nurse flashed a bright light into Johns eyes only for John to flinch away at the sight of bright light directed in his eyes. 'You'll be fine take this and try to rest.' He handed John a painkiller pill with a glass of water to take.

The door opened and closed 'Is he up yet?' Noah asked while the rest followed behind him.

The nurse nodded 'yeah he is all your now, you can help him back to him room and let him lie down for a while, he has a headache.' With a quick nod they went to check on their friend.

'Hey lover-boy' Henry joked with a grin on his face 'I heard love hurts but not knocking your head on the hard ground Johnny boy.' They had eventually saw Jessica standing with the other outside of the gate giving them the answer on how John suddenly lost all his focus in the game and almost break his head.

'Please do not fall again, and break your head the next time you see her' Dylan prayed.

'I mean she looked a bit concern don't you boys think? She had this sad look on her face' Noah joined.

Dylan gasped 'yeah I saw that.'

'I think she was shocked that you fell face first on his head, she probably thought you died.' Stanley shrugged. John chuckled rolling his eyes at his friends teasing him, he knew they were.

'Thank you guys for checking in on me' John said rolling his eyes as he stood up from the bed. Henry helped him 'Easy there, the coach is very happy with you, don't be surprised if he just run through the doors and throw you in the air for winning the game.'

'We won?' John asked confused.

'Yeah like nine of two! Of course red wins!' Dylan cheered.

Just like it was, John was unstoppable in the match and he did score seven of the goals alone.

He might have a splitting headache for the next few days at least he saw her and it was more rewording for him, even more than winning the match; despise the fact soccer was everything to him other than writing.

For the next weeks John was almost the new hero of the school just by winning their team match. Everyone Admired and respected him at this point, Mr. Ronald was the most proud of seeing one of his student get more recognition, John indeed deserved it, he worked hard, trained hard for the match, it was as if being a soccer player came naturally to him but not without hard work.

His team member grew more aware of that, Henry was backing him all the way through it all, feeling happy and proud to see the team asking John for advice in the matches and training.

John was the new Welton hero.

Weeks of being called by everyone, talked to and simply being all over the place John finally got the chance to sit down with his friends under the big tree going through his English notes.

They were a month away from their first year finals in Welton.

Henry nudged John so hard his notebook fell of his hands 'what-'

'It's her quick' Henry pushed John to stand.

Quickly throwing everything John walked towards the gate not knowing what to say the moment he will come face to face with her.

'Jessica?' he called breathless

She stopped and turned around. For a long minute as John started at her face now much closer, few feet away from him, he felt as if he was blind all his life because he had never seen anyone this beautiful before, the little hum she gave in a reply to him calling her name sent shiver down his spine and made him feel dizzy.

John feared he might fall then and there just by looking at her.

'Hey are you John?' The girl with brown hair said cutting his thoughts short.

'Huh?' was all John could say 'Your friend, Danny? No Dylan said you liked my friend, this is her.'

Henry from far saw all that happen and he understood why Dylan meant by her not being the type of girl that will be friendly; he didn't mean her being "rude", he meat "forward."

And he just saw her crush his friend right in front of the girl he liked but in a friendly way.

Jessica felt her cheeks burn in embracement and confusion, John sighed with an embarrassed chuckled. They stood there saying nothing for a while, as her friend; Clara exchanged looked at both of them.

'You fell' Jessica spoke, oh her voice, John thought about shutting his eyes to hear in echo in his ears over and over 'I- I mean the match, I saw you fell, are you okay?'

John nodded 'Y-yeah I am good, how are you?'

'Great, I am great.'

'Sorry I am interrupting you'

'Okay thank you' with that Jessica turned around pulling her best friend with her. John did the same, his friends all had confused, disappointment and Henry was holding back his laughter.

'Did you just thank him for disturbing you?' Clara laughed

'Shush' Jessica held her embarrassed face down walking faster trying to get away from the Welton gates. Jessica was smitten by John's smile, he was gorgeous. And suddenly all the romance novel she read were making much more sense in her mind, he looked flawless, handsome even. She thought she couldn't breathe with the way he looked at her. he had a small sparkle in his eyes, that she hoped was because he saw her.

No one ever looked at her with such love and passion as if she was the prettiest girl he laid his eyes on.