Chapter 1: Let Us Begin

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(Mobian Mountain Range; 12:00 AM)

The stars and the half-moon were the only sources of light in the night. Over the mountain range, they shined with much more brilliance than one would ever see in a city. It was just too bad there was only one person there to see it. And this one person didn't really care about the beauty of the sky at all. He just stood there at the peak of the tallest mountain and stared up at the stars paying no attention to them at all. With his arms crossed, he had a very famous scowl on his face and a cold gaze in his ruby red eyes. The Ultimate Lifeform they called him. A hedgehog with black and red striped fur and golden bracelets and anklets. Shadow is what he went by to his friends. Well, he didn't really consider them his friends, but they considered him one.

Shadow was staring up to the sky, but the sky itself was not what he was trying to see. He was looking up because he knew exactly where his former home was right now in space. The Space Colony ARK. Where he was created by a brilliant professor and an insane alien warlord. It's where he first learned how to interact with other people. It's also where he made his first and what he considered his only friend. Maria. And unfortunately, that's where he also saw Maria get shot down by the very humans he promised her to protect.

He felt anger towards the humans, but he made a promise. And he can't break it. As soon as he found out what his true purpose in life was, he devoted his life to being a savior for the people. He had let go of the past, but not entirely. He still ached over having lost her. He felt guilty because they made a pact to visit Earth together. And yet, here he was on the surface. Without her. Without her voice. Without her smile. His "friends" have tried to get him to cheer up, but they were never able to get anywhere close to succeeding in that department.

As much as he wanted to, Shadow couldn't be happy. He had no idea why. Maybe he just missed Maria too much. They were very good friends on the ARK, and the hedgehog thought they could possibly become more. But before he could think, the tragedy happened and the only place he ever saw her again was inside his dreams. He swore he would never find a love that could even relate to Maria. She was always happy. Even in her final minutes, she had a smile on her face and asked Shadow to give the humans a chance to be a happy. That smile.

"I miss you." He muttered.

"Who do ya miss?"

Shadow felt no need to turn around. He knew the voice very well. Sonic the Hedgehog, his rival, was standing right behind him.

"It's none of your business, blue hedgehog." Shadow said in his deep whispery voice. "Why are you here?"

"Well I worry about ya." Sonic said. "You're always alone."

"Did it ever occur to you that I prefer it to be that way?" Shadow said.

"Oh it did." Sonic said. "I just think you need to give being around other people a chance and see how you like it."

"I'd rather not." Shadow said. "Now leave."

"Come on, Shadow. All of us just want you to be happy. That's all." Sonic said.

Shadow turned his head so Sonic only met his right eye and his scowl.

"You want me to be happy? Than just leave me alone!"

He turned his head and Sonic was once again looking at the back of his quills.

"Shadow, come on."

"I'm warning you, Sonic."

"Yeah? Or what?"

Shadow held his left arm straight out clearly so Sonic could see it. Then Shadow brought over his other hand and began to take of the bracelet on his life one.

"Alright! Jeez! I'm going!" Sonic took off down the mountain a bit angry at his rival.

Shadow gave a 'hm' and went back to staring beyond the stars. But it wasn't before long that he heard the familiar sound of flapping wings.

"Oh great. What does she want?"

Rouge the Bat landed right beside him and looked up with him.

"I'll admit this. I'm not one for stargazing, but it IS pretty dang gorgeous here." She said.

"I'm NOT stargazing." Shadow said.

"Well then what ARE you looking at?"

Shadow gave no answer or bodily movement. Rouge figured it out on her own in a few seconds.

"Oh that's right. The ARK is overhead here tonight." Rouge said.

Shadow gave a slight nod.

"Are you EVER going to let go of the past, Shadow? You said yourself once you defeated Black Doom you had put the past behind you."

"I SAID I did. But I guess it was easier said than done. I regained the full extent of my memory. And now they haunt me again."

"You need to get a girl." Rouge said.

"What I need is for you people to leave me alone."

"What are you going to do? Fight me?"

"No. I'll simply send you away."

"Really?" Rouge thought he was bluffing.

Shadow held up his right hand and opened up his palm. Then he reached behind his back with his left and pulled out of nowhere the green Chaos Emerald.

"Chaos Control."

A white ball of light appeared. He motioned it towards Rouge and the light floated to her. It made contact with her body and then it explained all over her. The light then disappeared along with Rouge herself.

"Really." Shadow muttered as he put the emerald away.

What Shadow did was a new way he discovered to do Chaos Control. He could send other people away, without having to warp himself. He went right back to what he was doing, hoping no one else would bother him. He got his wish. Throughout the night, he stood there, watching the sky and a single star that seemed to be slightly moving to the east. It was the ARK. He kept his eyes on it never letting them wander any place else.

(Station Square; 12: 30 AM)

On top of the tallest building, Sonic zipped up to it in his famous blue streak and looked back to the mountain range from where he had just come from.

"We HAVE to make that Shadow enjoy life. He can't sulk forever. But the question is, how the hell do we make that happen?"

(Angel Island; Master Emerald Shrine; 12:32 AM)

The giant green gem was glowing like always in its place. And in front of it, was the one sworn to protect it. Knuckles the Echidna. He was dead to the world with his very loud snoring. He was dreaming pleasantly despite all the noises. The crickets, the wind, the rocks falling down the giant staircase of his shrine. This guy was one heavy sleeper. But there was one thing he did wake up to. The sound of what was heard as a loud boom. He sat straight and looked at the Master Emerald. It was still in one piece, but it was acting rather odd. It was starting to shine brighter than usual. Then he saw something else. A small orange light emerged from the top of the emerald. It floated right in front of Knuckles and began to take on a shape.

One that he had seen before.

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