[Calamity Era] Shattered Nebula

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- Dark themes towards the end.

You have been warned.

Somewhere in the vast expanse of space, there sat a massive Starship, it spanned 10 km in lenght, 4 km in width and about 3 km in height, on it's side rested a logo representing a dark vortex sitting behind a planet. Next to the logo was a name.

EoE Shattered Nebula.

At this moment, a small starship bearing a vicious air approached the Shattered Nebula.

KAD Helena.

Sitting in the Helena's pilot seat was Devin Kagali. Despite the vessel's onboard AI piloting the starship, he remained there, seemingly waiting for something

As the Helena silently approached the Shattered Nebula, the small craft suddenly shook.


The surroundings suddenly became much livelier, the sound of the vessel's various externals such as thrusters could now be faintly heard, slowly fading into clarity.

In the cockpit, a robotic voice suddenly sounded following the ringing of a buzzer throughout the entire vessel.

"Warning! Anomalous atmosphere detected! Relinquishing control!"

As soon as those words were said, Devin grabbed onto the control mechanism and started operating the flight systems manually.

Back inside the Helena, Adrick stared at the ceiling, a detached look displayed on his face. Noticing this, Ruue, slightly curious, decided to question him.

"Something on your mind..?"

Adrick seemed to snap out of his trance as he turned to face Ruue and curiously asked.

"I've been wondering..
What does that alarm mean..?"

Hearing Adrick's question, Ruue smiled, remembering how she was way back then. She answered the young boy's question directly.

"It's because of the size and weight of the ships. While it isn't always the case, some Astral-Class and most Singularity-Class Starships are so massive and dense that they have their own gravitational pull.

While weak, this results in them being able to 'steal' a part of the atmosphere of planets they orbit, which forms a sort of thin, yet sufficient artificial atmosphere around the starship.

That's also why we were able to just jump off of the Proxima earlier without being killed by the total vacuum, minuscule debris flying around in space, direct exposure to solar radiation, etc..."

Adrick, not expecting to be given a lecture, instead, finding an opportunity in Ruue having brought up Singularity-Class starships and only being interested in large things(much like all men) suddenly asked.

"But, is that it? Are Singularity-Class the largest Starships..?"

Ruue's right eye twitched as she bit her lower lip, feeling a light rage starting to boil within her. At this point, she had pretty much caught onto Adrick's intent but still answered.

"Singularity-Class is the largest and most powerful starship format ever designed with there only being about 200 in operation. While going larger is very much possible, the idea of stacking a ton of military power in a single large target has been deemed as, and is, just plain dumb.

It would basically be the equivalent of concentrating a large portion of one's strenght in a single large, bulky unit with high firepower and defense that, if destroyed, could heavily cripple one's military might. Therefore, Singularity-Class is currently the largest, most powerful format that can be produced in bulk and lost without too much impact. Due to this, it will probably remain as such for a very long time, if not forever as going any bigger would be far too inefficient."

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