[Arlene Era]Hamal Keterpent

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I believe I was about 11 at the time, my father had left me upon my mother's passing, leaving me completely alone on a planet who'se name I don't even remember. It was in one of those lower-class districts, those with the support Habitations.


Adrick Interrupted, causing Ruue to Briefly frown.

"Support Habitations..?"

Ruue replied nearly instantly, slightly impatient.

"Support Habitations are a free service offered by the Human Government. As long as one has a citizenship and a job, they are granted a small living space with basic necessities such as electricity, water, food and temperature regulation. They're very cramped and low-quality but it's much better than living on the streets as I did."

Adrick attentively listened, after Ruue had spoken, he seemed to be pondering for a moment before he spoke.

"Why are there still people on the streets then?"

Ruue frowned a bit, already somewhat upset at Adrick's interruption, she wanted to finish her story.

"Support Habitations are very good but they're still limited in quantity, only citizens with valid jobs can be eligible for one."


Ruue glared at Adrick with a slightly annoyed expression.

"May I continue now?"

Adrick hurriedly answered, completely oblivious to Ruue's Attitude.



As I said, I was 11, alone on an unfamiliar planet and in a low class district. One of the only things I remember from back then was the complete lack of purpose, my life felt soul-rending.

That day should've been a day like any other, just me aimlessly wandering around the district, looking lifeless.

That was when it happened, I saw a man walk past me, he had messy long wine-colored hair, wore an eyepatch, and a long darkish-green colored Jacket similar to a blazer but reaching all the way to his knees. A poorly-shaved beard hung on his face, his clothes were dirty and he reeked of alcohol and cigarettes. I didn't think much of it until I spotted two hooded figures tailing him.

Not wanting to get involved, I was about to turn around when the man suddenly moved. As he turned around, some sort of whirring noise made itself clear. He slid backwards, crossing a distance of over 15 meters in a split second. Aided by the motion, his hand quickly smashed through a building and grabbed one of the hooded men by the throat.

This action had scared me, I was about to start running until the man's words reached my ear.

"Ahhh, hey! Look at the mouse I just caught by the TAIL."

I was completely speechless, that man had randomly attacked someone in the middle of the street and somehow found the time to be just right for a pun. Not to mention the fact that he didn't seem well, he was slightly swaying from left to right, as a typical drunk would.


"Stop bulshitting! I want the truth!"

Adrick whined, not believing Ruue's words. Unfortunately, his protest was quickly met with violence.


A hand landed atop his head and gripped firmly, Adrick started shaking as he saw his teacher barely holding herself back from crushing his skull.

"Hey, you tiny sack of shit! If you don't want to listen, I can just stop. A free ticket to the void is also an option if you want."

Ruue blatantly threatened Adrick, feeling particularily angry at him.

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