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Somewhere in the vast expanse of the cosmos, there are 2 strange vessels hovering in space.

The difference between them would be rather striking, one was colored white and spanned multiple kilometers in lenght, height and width. On it's side one could read the name 'UHS Proxima'. The craft gave off a majestic and domineering air.

The other vessel however, was black with red stripes and only spanned a few meters in lenght, height and width. On it's side was written 'KAD Helena'. The feeling this ship gave off was somewhat vicious.

However, contrarily to one's expectations, the small vessel was absolutely spotless while the massive one had been completely ruined.

In the shell of the massive craft, there was a young-looking woman with long brown hair, pale skin and crimson-red eyes, her expression was fierce, she was gripping on the neck of a middle-aged human man wearing a type of military uniform that was completely white, now stained in blood.

She suddenly lifted the man above her head, the sleeves of the dark grey trench coat-like jacket she wore fell back, revealing her arms; one was normal while the other was robotic, bearing the same paint job as the small craft.

The woman spoke in a serious tone, her gaze filled with rage.

"Speak, Where is it?!"

The man coughed, blood dripping from his forehead and lips, he felt a sharp pain all over his body. Despite this, He replied.

"A-Are you talking about that-" he coughed before continuing "that pile of scrap metal you called 'Herbert?'" The man smiled smugly as his entire body shook. "We- W- We Dismanteled it and recovered it's materials..."He coughed again "A well-deserved end!!" The man chuckled as he finished his sentence.

The woman's eyes suddenly widened, her pupils shrank, starting to shake slightly and her smile warped as she flew into a rage.

With her robotic arm, she hurled the man towards the floor with surprising speed. His body hit the half-a-meter thick metallic floor and passed right through, falling into the room below and leaving a large dent in the second floor.

A shockwave blew across the room, splashing the man's blood all over the room, painting the walls and the woman's clothes in a dark shade of red, simultaneously lifting up a thick dust cloud in the air.

At that time, the few bones that had previously not been broken in the man's body shattered, yet, somehow, he was still alive and well despite his visible agony.

The woman towered over him with a somewhat cute, somewhat sinister smile as she spoke.

"Wow, that response was absolutely SMASHING, you've really got me BOILING with rage"

As the words escaped her lips, a red glow suddenly enveloped the man and lifted him into the air with ease, the red glow caused the man great torment as it felt like being plunged into boiling water. Despite this, the man stood strong, holding his screams in and replying.

"Agh- y-you.. Ghhhr- You fucking bitch! Second Calamity! Iffghr-! Iffh- you think i'll tell you anything, you'rrrh Wronghh-! Go Backgh to Zhe Void wherrr Yo Belonghhhhr youuu- you ghh-! Fuckhhgingg Whore! Ghaa! Arghhh!"

The man could barely speak, the pain of having every single bone in his body broken, being boiled alive and the feeling of being drowned in his own blood was driving him mad. Despite this, he was somehow still alive.

"Fucking useless piece of shit!"

In a fit of anger, a strange red light gathered around the woman, looking like some kind of floating viscous fluid, it turned into a ring and expanded outwards, emitting a strange sound akin to some sort of low-pitched Trembling oscillation.

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