Chapter 6

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*flashback (Alex age 16, Annalise age 1)*

Alex's POV

"Luke, we are underaged. They wouldn't let us in there," I said, trying to be the voice of reason in the matter. Luke had brought in a flyer for a bar that was looking for a house band and tryouts were tonight.

"We don't have to tell them how old we are," Luke said.

"Right, so we are just going to lie to get gigs now," Alex said.

"It wouldn't be the first time," Bobby said.

"Yeah," Reggie added, "Remember how we told that book club that we were a smooth jazz band so they would let us play?"

"Ok, so we don't have the best track record. But we shouldn't break the law. If the cops get a hold of us my parents would kill me. Not to mention that they would bring you back to your parents, Luke," Alex said.

"We have to take risks!" Luke said jumping up on the couch. "We haven't had a gig in months guys, no gigs equals no money, and no money equals no food, for me."

"We don't want Luke to not eat!" Reggie said, "Food is the best!"

"Come on Alex," Bobby said, "Live a little."

"Okay," Alex said.


It was finally our turn to play for the bar owner. I started setting up the drums how I like them and Luke talked to the owner.

"We are Sunset Curve. Thanks for having us," Luke said.

"How old are you gentlemen?" the owner asked.

"Age is just a number," Reggie said.

"And that number is 21, sir," Luke said.

"If you don't touch my beer you can be any age you want," the owner said.

"We are 16 sir. Sorry for lying, but we really want this gig," Luke said.

"Thank you for coming clean. Now let me hear what you've got."

*End of flashback*

Annalise's POV (age 18)

I walked into Eats and Beats, a bar and eatery a few blocks from my house.

"Hi, I'm here for the open interviews," I said to the woman at the front counter.

"Sure! Let me just get my boss," she said. An older gentleman came out from the back and around to the front of the counter to greet me.

"Hi, I'm George and you are?" he said.

"Annalise Mercer," I said shaking his hand, "I was hoping to interview for the job opening you have."

"How old are you, dear," he asked.

"How old do I need to be," I said, handing him my resume.

"To touch my beer? 21, and seeing as I need a bartender you would need to be 21."

"Age is just a number," I said trying to avoid telling him I was only 18. 

"You know, you reminded me of this time that a band of 16-year-old boys tried to get a gig here. One of them used that exact line before one of the other boys came clean," he said giving me and stern look, "How old are you?" 

"I'm 18 but," Annalise took a deep breath, "This is the only place within walking distance from my house. My dad has Altimers and we had to sell the car so I could pay for his treatments I need a night job so I can take care of him during the day because night nurses are cheaper than daytime nurses. I was really hoping you would have another spot open."

"I've been wanting to get more organized with scheduling the bands that play here. Is that a job you would be interested in helping with?" George asked.

"Yes! That would be great actually my boyfriend and I are in a band together so I know lots of other bands and artists in the town that I can bring in," I said.

"Perfect! You're hired!" George smiled. "See how easy things can be when we are honest?"

"Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!"

*did you catch the JATP reference?*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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