Chapter 5

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*flashback (Annalise age 2, Alex age 17)*

Alex's POV

We had all just sat down for dinner and I was shaking my leg in anticipation for what I wanted to tell my folks about.

"So, my band with Luke, you know?" I asked.

"Yeah, dear, we know all about this 'band' of yours," Mom said putting band in air quotes.

"Well, we got this really great gig at the Orpheum. It's in 2 weeks and I really want you guys and Annalise to come," I said, pulling the tickets out of my fanny pack.

"Alex, we can't bring your sister to a theater like that," Mom said, "Your music is way too loud and I don't want her around people like that. I don't even what to be around people like that."

"People like what mom?" I asked. She stopped in her tracks trying to think of what to say.

"We'll think about it, Alex. OK?" dad said, coming in to save her.

"No! I want to know what mom was going to say!" I yelled.

"Do not raise your voice at me! I am your mother and I will be treated as such!" mom said in her whisper-yell that makes you fall into line.

"I come to see you bubu!" AJ said, bouncing in her high chair.

"Thanks, AJ," I said kissing her cheek.

We left the conversation at that. My mom didn't have to say what she meant, I knew, and it hurts like hell that my own mother hated me so much.

*End of Flashback*

Ryan left rehearsal first and Damion and I stayed back to put some things away.

"I've been meaning to ask you, about that song you played when you audition for the band. Who was it by?" he asked.

"Sunset Curve, it's my brother's band," I said.

"Awesome, I would kill to hear them play sometime," he said.

"He died 14 years ago and so did his other bandmates. So I don't think you'll get to."

"Oh, AJ, I'm so sorry."

"It's ok, his band was really great though. I have one of their CDs if you want one."

"That would be great! What did your brother do in the band?"

"Drums and backup vocals."

"No wonder you're so good!"

"Yeah, I don't have a lot of memories of him. I try to keep him alive in me though."

"You're one amazing girl, AJ," Damion said, which made me blush.

"I'll see you at the showcase tomorrow," I said and headed home.


Dad and I rode together to the gig and he helped me carry some of the equipment inside.

"Does your band make rock music like your brother's did?" dad asked.

"Some of its rock but we have some slower stuff as well," I said.

"Well, I will make sure to turn my hearing aids down during the loud bits," dad chuckled.

"AJ!" Damion yelled from the stage.

"I have to go rehearse," I said to dad.

"That alright dear. I'll just go to the shop down the road for a bit until the show starts," he said.

I gave him a quick hug as Damion yelled to me again. I quickly ran to the stage and got my brother's drumsticks and counted us off.


The show was a huge success! We even had a manager give us their number so they could be at the next gig and we were over the moon. I said one last goodbye to the boys before going to find my dad. He was looking at something in his wallet and I quietly sat down next to him.

"Daddy?" I asked.

"Oh, baby," he whispered, giving me a big hug. I could feel his tears falling on my shirt. "You were so amazing up there. I didn't even turn my hearing aid down! I wanted to, no, I needed to hear every second."

"Then why are you crying? And what is in your hand?" I asked.

"It's the ticket to your brother's show at the Orpheum. He had asked us so many times to come to see him play. I regretted not going every time, but your mother wouldn't allow it. I agreed with her at the time but I always regretted it. When he gave me this ticket at dinner your mother said something that really upset Alex. I don't really remember what he said now, but I remember telling myself that she couldn't win this time and I would go. Of course on the drive there I got that awful call from the hospital," dad stopped for a moment to dry his tears, "Coming here to see you tonight, I finally felt some of that guilt go away. Because now I can be there for you like I didn't get the chance to be for him. I hope he is looking down on us proudly today." 

I just hugged him not really knowing what to say. When he finally stopped crying we grabbed my things and headed to the car. We stopped for some ice cream on the way home and it made the perfect ending for a perfect night.

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