The Changing Room Incident

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Josh followed the group of boys in front of him and made his way into the boys changing room. He went towards the bench where he had left his bag only to discover that it was no where to be found. He checked everywhere, but it was as if it had completely vanished. Until he suddenly realised that the showers that had previously been on his left when getting ready were now on his right.
"SHIT" he exclaimed as his mistake became clear.
Whilst he was in such a rush to get into his P.E kit so that he could play football, he had accidentally gone and got changed in the girls changing room instead of the boys . Time was running out quickly and he knew what he was going to have to do as he simply couldn't afford to be late for anymore lessons, plus it was maths next and he was already failing. He left the boys changing room and could feel his heart rate beginning to speed up. Without thinking, he walked straight into the girls changing room and his jaw dropped at what was in front of him. At least 12 half-naked, angry and embarrassed faces were staring directly at him. This was including his sister Millie, who herself was wearing only a bra and panties.

Millie (above)

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Millie (above)

He couldn't help but feel his penis  harden, as he stood in awe with a very obvious full erection.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU LITTLE PERVERT"  Millie shouted, alongside the many abusive words being hurled at him by the other girls.
His sister walked straight up to him and grabbed his balls before squeezing them tightly.
"AHHH FUCKKK" Josh squealed, before collapsing to the floor to his sisters and the other girls mercy.
"This is the girls changing room Josh , ONLY GIRLS ARE ALLOWED IN HERE" One girl scalded him.
" Well if he wants to be a girl so bad then maybe we should make him one" another suggested with a mean tone.
"That's a great idea, let's punish him properly" Millie grinned evilly.

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