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The very moment the clocks hit 8AM, Josh's alarm screeched at him, bursting his ear drums and sending his tired body into shock. He leapt out of bed his bed and threw on the same pair of socks and underwear he'd worn the previous day, along with his muddy trousers and stained white shirt, before sprinting downstairs to his breakfast. His sister Millie was sat opposite him eating a bowl of cereal. She had been ready to leave for a while and had already tied back her hair and done some light makeup. She was wearing a white blouse with a short, pleated black skirt that she had rolled up and a pair of black knee high socks that perfectly showed off her legs and got all the boys attention.
" Josh hurry up your going to make me late again" she whimpered
" Shut up I'm finished" he sharply responded, as they both got up to get in their mothers car.

" Josh hurry up your going to make me late again" she whimpered " Shut up I'm finished" he sharply responded, as they both got up to get in their mothers car

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                 Josh (above) Millie (below)

After a short 15 minute car journey, both Josh and Millie had made it to school and had each endured a boring ordinary day of lessons

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After a short 15 minute car journey, both Josh and Millie had made it to school and had each endured a boring ordinary day of lessons. This was until things were finally about to get interesting, as they had P.E together. This was Josh's favourite lesson of the day and he was especially excited due to the fact that they had been told last week that today they would be playing football. However despite this being in his mind all day as the upcoming highlight,he still had somehow managed to be 7 full minutes late to the changing rooms. He had sprinted down the corridor and was out of breathe to the point that he was in a daze and seeing stars, but that didn't stop him. Without taking much notice he pushed through the first door on his right and made his way into the empty changing rooms and got changed as fast as he could, so he would be able to join the rest of the class outside on the football pitch.

After about 45 minutes of running around, struggling to get near the ball and being significantly outperformed by even his sister and many of the girls, the teachers called everyone back to the changing rooms to get dressed and ready for the next lesson.

Forced to be a School GirlWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt