Chapter 37: The Rainbooms' New Magical Powers

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Applejack comes out of the bushes, soaked with an unamused look on her face while everyone else was surprised by what just happened.

Principal Celestia: "What in the world just happened?!"

F/N: "I haven't got a clue."

Rarity: "Oh dear! I am so sorry Applejack! I think. Did I just do whatever that was?"

Sugarcoat: "We all saw it so that's a yes."

Sci-Twi: "I don't think it was your fault. I'm going to go get Applejack a towel." She said and walked off.

F/N: "I'll go with you."

Sunset Shimmer: "Me too."

Twilight Sparkle: "Me three."

You, Twilight, Sunset and Spike quickly caught up with Sci-Twi.

Twilight Sparkle: "Sci-Twi, you're not the only one with a new kind of magic."

Sunset Shimmer: "See? This is great!"

Sci-Twi: "No, it's not! Rarity and Applejack could have really hurt each other! Why is this happening! I don't-" She said but then Gloriosa appeared.

Gloriosa Daisy: "Hi everyone! Anything I can do for you?" She asked.

Sci-Twi: "Applejack just fell into the lake." She informs Gloriosa.

Gloriosa Daisy: "Oh no! She's gonna need warm towels, dry clothes and a hot cocoa! I've got this!" She said and ran off.

Spike: "Is it just me or does Gloriosa always say "I've got this!"?"

F/N: "Yeah it pretty much became her catchphrase once she was no longer shy as a kid. She always said that whenever anyone needed help. I always thought it was adorable."

Twilight Sparkle: "F/N, do you like Gloriosa?" She asked you and you blushed slightly before scratching the back of your head.

F/N: "Well sort of. She's changed a lot since we were kids. She's grown up into an beautiful young woman that still wants to help everyone and give them a good time here at Camp Everfree like she used to do as a child."

Just then, the five of you hear a scream.

F/N, Sci-Twi, Twilight & Sunset: "Fluttershy?!"

The five of you all quickly run to the camp cafeteria where the scream came from and slammed the door open to see Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Sour Sweet and Lemon Zest, all covered in cake batter with sprinkles in them.

Twilight Sparkle: "What happened?!" She asked.

Sour Sweet: "Pinkie happened."

Fluttershy: "We were just decorating cookies and-"

Pinkie Pie: "And I was all, you need more sprinkles! And you need more sprinkles!"

Sunset Shimmer: "So standard Pinkie Pie stuff."

Lemon Zest: "Get to the awesome part Pinkie."

Pinkie Pie: "I was just tossing sprinkles to Fluttershy when all of a sudden, they glowed pink and exploded!" She said.

Pinkie grabbed a small handful of sprinkles and tossed them into the air as they started to glow in an pink-coloured and exploded, shocking everyone as they were covered in cake batter, sprinkles and their hair is a mess. Pinkie then shakes her head and all the cake batter and sprinkles on her is gone and her hair is back to normal.

Pinkie Pie: "Just like that, only earlier!"

Lemon Zest: "That was totally wicked!" She commented as everyone got the cake batter and sprinkles off of them and put their hair back to normal.

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